Moving black raspberry : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have black raspberry plants that I need to uproot and move. When would be the best time to do this and what is the proper "method" for doing it? The berries are still turning, so obviously it's not time yet, but my husband swears that if he sees one more off-shoot coming up from the front porch, he's going to take a torch to the whole thing! Thanks for your time.
-- Misha (, June 19, 2000
I wouldn't want to try to move it now, this year. If it doesn't go into shock, you may be hard pressed to keep it alive if the weather gets hot and dry.If it was me, I'd wait until next year, and move it in early spring while the plants are still dormant.
-- Eric in TN (, June 19, 2000.
Misha, I have found that black raspberries can be easily transplanted at anytime they are not bearing. In fact, they are almost like weeds. Here in Florida, they just won't die. Pull up the plant with as much of the root as you can get and stick it into a container full of good potting soil or compost and keep it damp for a month or so. When the leaves stop wilting in the heat of the day, you have a new plant. Let it stay in the pot for 3-6 months or until it starts putting out roots through the holes in the bottom of the pot. Good luck, John and Pat
-- John and Pat James (, June 19, 2000.