Where can we get #63 canning flats??greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Gardeners Kitchen in Farmington, Conn. used to sell all three sizes of canning flats... Must have gone out of business. Surely SOMEONE still makes them here or in Canada!
-- Kathy Flippo (flippoumrat@webtv.net), June 18, 2000
what is a canning flat ?????????sign me, confused (but not for long-waiting for your answer )
-- gene ward (gward34847@aol..com), June 18, 2000.
Kathy: Are the number 63's the size smaller than the regulars? I have one box of rings, but no jars that size, and wondered myself if they are still made. If you would like the rings, I would be glad to send them to you, as they don't fit anything I have. Think I got them in a whole box of canning stuff from a garage sale a few years back. Jan
-- Jan in Colorado (Janice12@aol.com), June 18, 2000.
They may well be gone for good unless you can find some old "new stock". I looked on net and only place was selling antique amber quarts with new "#63" lid for $8 or some such price. I have a few 63 jars, many had honey or sorghum in them, but havent used them for long time as I can very little living alone. I did find following but it was dated 1991 and refers back to 'Gardeners Kitchen':A Source for Hard to Find Lids
Phyllis Flanigan asked where her client could find #63 canning jar lids for "jelly jars." These jelly jars are actually referred to as "table jars." Manufactured by Ball and sold in the 1950's, the jars have a quilted pattern, slightly tapered opening, and hold slightly less than 1/2 pint. The jars are no longer manufactured, but some individuals still have and wish to use them.
Number 63 jar lids (and rings) can be ordered through the "Gardener's Kitchen," P.O. Box 412, Dept. 90; Farmingham, CT 06034. Ten dozen #63 lids cost $11.50, postage paid. Two dozen #63 lids and rings cost $8.25. ppd. The Gardener's Kitchen also sells standard and widemouth jar lids and rings, and canning labels.
Lids are produced by the Bristol Flowde Gasket Co., Waterbury CT.
Source: Personal communication with Charlie Rafferty, BFG Co., Waterbury CT. Personal communication with Jackie Shadrick and Richard Cole, Ball Corporation, Muncie IN.
-- Hermit John (ozarkhermit@pleasedontspamme.com), June 19, 2000.
oh those !!!! those are what i call lids, and they are held on by the rings. my mother called them lids and bands. amazing how different people call the same thing different names. a rose by any other name? lol
-- gene ward (gward34847@aol.com), June 19, 2000.
I found in Organic Gardening, March 2001, a new address for Gardeners Kitchen. It is Gardeners Kitchen Box 322 Monument Beach, MA 02553. Also have an e-mail: www.canninglidsusa.com. Tried the e-mail and finally found it in GOTO search engine. Now the bad news, they won't have 63 lids for a while as they lost their supplier. I have found 63 white caps in the Amish community near here, They have a rubber seal and can be reused. Good Luck, Ruth
-- Ruth (drcomer@rr1.net), February 19, 2001.
For those still looking for #63 lids, Gardener's Kitchen now has the flats only. $15.50 postpaid for 10 dozen. Address in previous post is correct. Rings not yet available but still expected. But most of us "oldtimer" #63 users have guarded our old rings as heirlooms along with the "tweener" size 1-1/2 pint jars only found in size 63. For order form and prices, go to www.canninglidsusa.com or www.gardenerskitchen.com Then begin using those great old jars again.
-- Martin W. Longseth (tmofmadison@aol.com), September 26, 2001.
I am looking for only 1 dozen of lids. If someone wants to sell me one dozen of 63 lids I would send them the money and postage to send them to me. I think it would fit in a small envelope with proper postage. I would pay $2.00+proper postage and supply the envolope. Please email me directly at siglroch@home.com.Thanks
-- 63 lids (siglroch@home.com), October 18, 2001.