Echinacae : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I just got my Countryside and guess what I found on page 58 ? Well you'll have to read it but it's about an alternative crop to tobacco (a matter that is of interest to me). I appreceiate the fact that Steve took the time and effort to write about a problem that very few Countrysider's share ! Thank You, Steve Shrinking allotments ? True. Except for Corporation Farms( Bailey's) They can grow all they want--no questions ask. I guess my problem or thought is--In a free market place, why should there be any restrictons whatsoever ? Why should I have to change my farm over at astronomical cost to appease anyone or any government ? (While the government grants Bailey's unrestricted access to tobacco). The article was of great interest although I found the labor cost's excessively low and the only dryers a tobacco farmer owns is a barn. I really appreceite the article but I think I'll steal a line from an old Terryton ad--I'd rather fight than switch ! I also am under contract and switching would end me up in court. As long as I have a market than I should be allowed to grow what I like. Tobacco use is a personnal decision. You cannot legislate morality anymore than you can stupity. Today's corn has more poison sprayed on it than it receives in rainfall. I would ROFLMAO watching a person eat an ear of sweet corn while discussing how smoking makes them sick. Call it --The oxymoron of a lifetime. I know this rant will get me in trouble but--what anyone wants to do with their body is of no concern to anyone else except a parent of a under age child ! I draw the line on sales of tobbaco to minors. As for everyone else--Thank You for holding your breath while I smoke and grow tobbaco !

-- Joel Rosen (, June 18, 2000


A PERSONAL decision?????? But Joel don't we all pay for tobacco use? An immense amount of money is spent treating people with smoking related illness. What the government doesn't pay we all do with higher insurance premiums.

I'm not attacking you (I like you!), it's just I'm staying in FL for a time with my step dad who is dying of lung cancer. I lost my mom to smoking related illness 3 years ago. Not fun and I am a bit sensitive to the issue right now.

I must admit I always like tobacco growing as a crop just because it was a low input, low mechanization family operation. Just wish it produced a product I liked. Kim

-- kim (, June 19, 2000.

Taking your health for granted is all that you are doing, knowing the risks and still putting yourself and your family at risk. I have asthma, I have never smoked, yet I have lung disease. I would give anything to not have asthma, yet you are choosing to destroy your lungs. The biggest thing I have against smoking is, I can not go to casino's, bingo, enclosed anything because if they allow smokeing I cannot stay for any length of time. Hurray for California and their tough smoking laws! Even non smoking sections of most restraunts are a joke. Folks who smoke have a higher incidence of chronic ear infection in their infants/toddlers. If you want to smoke, smoke outside, shower and change your smoke smelly clothes and brush your teeth before you come around me, please! If I wanted to breath polluted air I would have stayed in Houston. And bravo to the kids who started the Truth web site and ads! Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh (, June 19, 2000.

Smoke up, Joel!

Life is fatal at any rate, no matter what we do, so if someone wants to smoke they are making a choice. At least they are choosing to put the chemicals in their body knowingly as opposed to all of the chemicals we get subjected to with no choice in the matter. Like the food, in this Central Texas town our grocery has a sign proudly proclaiming that they wax their fruits and vegetables for freshness....real nice.

California is like a police state! I am seriously wondering when the legislators will pas a ruling requiring cholesterol checks prior to offering the dessert is not too far off.

-- Doreen (, June 19, 2000.

Doreen, or perhaps a scale or a body fat pinch test before going over the border! But it is nice to be able to go anywhere in public and know that they won't be smoking in my air! Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh (, June 19, 2000.

My son has very bad asthma, and one of the triggers to an attack is Tabbaco smoke!! When we lived in CA for 4 years,,, We could take my son to the park, or museums, or even to the Zoo without too much worry. New England was not too bad,, could at least go places. But once we moved to WA state.. WOW watch out... this is NOT a Asthma friendly state. We cannot go anywhere is this state without having the WHOLE population lighting up. Forget the Zoo,, or even the State parks and more,, there are just way to many people smoking, all at the same time!!

I really wish this state had tougher NO smoking laws,, then maybe my son and I could go to the Zoo or State parks, without worrying about having a Asthma attack that could kill us JUST because someone else wants to smoke, Alot of smokers here show no manners at all, don`t seem to care,, like it is not their problem we have Asthma,,so why should they care! We just about need gas masks to get in and out of grocery stores!

-- Bergere (, June 19, 2000.

This is the way I feel about this issue. If indeed, tobacco is a legal product, then it should be treated like a legal product. I personally don't smoke. I don't like to be around when people do. I am allergic. On the other hand, I think that we either make the stuff illegal or we leave people alone. We certainly don't attack the guys who produce this legal product, when most of the wealth of this nation was built upon it's production and cotton's. The government made this big stink over tobacco, not because they wanted to destroy it, but because they want to control it. This whole thing has been about whose going to control the cash cow called tobacco. I don't like smoking. I think it is a horrible habit, and it is bad for you and your family members, but I REALLY don't like it when government takes advantage of it's citizens by stealing their rights. California is a police state and you can move here and have my place Vicki. It after all must be hard to be a liberal in Texas of all places LOL. My father and my brother both smoked. They also both quit. It is not impossible. I've seen it happen before my very eyes more than twice. As far as asthma goes there are a lot of other triggers for asthma that tobacco. (In fact the indians used tobacco to treat asthma) I am sure your son has a problem, but what about all the other asthmatics. Next are we going to tell people they can't grow roses for those asthmatics, or are we going to ban cars for those asthmatics. We have got to stop trying to control everyone else people. Where does it stop? Will I soon have to post an add in the paper before going to the restroom.

Little Bit Farm

-- Little bit Farm (, June 19, 2000.

Vicki, I understand the desire to be able to go places and still breathe! I just think that California laws in particular are NUTS! No smoking IN BARS!!!

-- Doreen (, June 19, 2000.

There is a glut of Echinacea on the market.

-- Charles (, June 19, 2000.

Any monoculture farming puts us at greater risk to financial loss. With diversity in plant and animal crops that risk is spread out in the marketplace. It also allows for sustainable farming practices.

-- Anne (, June 20, 2000.

RE: tobacco. I know that I will sleep better tonight knowing that the goverment is concerned about my health and is passing more regulations to protect it, (for my own good of course.)

Yes, cigarette smoking can trigger asthma, but so can perfume and flowers. Do we need a law on wearing perfume or growing flowers in public? And yes, lung disease and lung cancer from smoking is deadly. But so isn't clogged veins from shoving fat in our faces and being obese. A tremendous amount of money is spent on treating this too. Perhaps it should be illegal for one to let their cholesterol get too high or become too much overweight? Or perhaps the manufacturer of those fatty foods should be fined or told how much they can make?

Bottom line: It is goverment infringment as usual-plain and simple.

-- Marci (, June 21, 2000.

I don't know Marci, but she said it all ! Tobacco is only 1/10 of asthma sufferer's problems. I lol watching people down smoking while standing behind an idling vehicle, snuggled over a campfire or out spraying pesticides on their roses. (Eating corn also). Guess what ? They got their suffering children right beside them ! Your born with these deseases--smoking did not cause them. I admire those who quit and I encourage it and have privately in this forum. BUT--Tobacco built this nation. Let's say--Vickii your goats cause Cancer--not your goats exactly--its all those hormones,steroids and antibotic laced feeds you feed them, just so you can sell them. Afterall, you know good and well that a naturally grown goat wouldn't sell. Besides, people that raise goats stink and they need to shower in lye soap and brush their teeth before they can come to my house. This sounds totally ridiculas but the first part is true. Because of all the hormones and steroids the goat is walking cancer. And all commercial goat raisers use these items or they wouldn't turn a profit. Lets just be a little more realistic ! Just say "smoking bothers me"--fine. I won't smoke in your house and you don't have to sit in mine while I smoke. Everywhere else outdoors is not your business. It may well be your pet peeve but it is not your business ! Choose a smoke free establishment for our patronage but don't offer your opinion in one with a smoking area. The world belongs to everyone. The trouble here is, we willingly gave in to accomodate some people and now those people want more than their half. The government is just riding the cash cow. Next week they are going after goats.

-- Joel Rosen (, June 22, 2000.

Hmmm, both tobacco and cotton had some early labor issues, as I recall...apparently some people were forced to work against their will...

-- sheepish (, June 22, 2000.

It's still happening, sheepish. I'm out there everyday against my will ! LOL

-- Joel Rosen (, June 22, 2000.

Joel, you are too much! Kim (who raises sheep NOT goats!)

-- kim (, June 22, 2000.

My two cents on behalf of science: Studies linking inhalation of tabacco smoke with many diseases, including but not limited to various cancers, have been well documented and are generally accepted by the scientic and medical communities. Conclusions from studies linking consumption of certain diets (for instance - high fat) with disease (such as heart disease) are still very much subject to debate. For many years we were told - don't eat too much salt as it will raise your blood pressure. Now it turns out that's only true if you're already genetically predisposed to high blood pressure.

Remember, science can't even prove that the sun will come up tomorrow. All it can tell you is - that it always has. And it is generally agreed that it will again.

-- Deborah (, June 22, 2000.

Joel, perhaps when you pick your next analogy goats/tabaccoo, you will pick something of which you know anything about? Who would drink my milk if I was feeding antibiotic, hormone etc infested feed? And if this could possibly be true you would then choose to drink this infected milk, it wouldn't be floating in the air at a restraunt! Ha! I take it you grow your own, but for those of you who purchase these cancer sticks, doesn't it bother you that big business knew for years that they were addictive, you now know they will shorten your life, and they manipulate all of you by adding more addictive nicotine during the first of the year, when they know your New Years resolution will be to stop smoking. How can you stand being controlled like that! I would quit just for the principle of showing them that they can't control me! Yeah I know a weak pathetic attempt, but that's all I have for now! :) Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh (, June 22, 2000.

Yes, Vickii I grow my own tobacco. I have a small patch near my house for personal use--about 15 plants. I pick the bugs off everyday by hand. I use no chemicals on this patch and I smoke it in a pipe. I consider this crop as safe as you can get ! I only meant to show the people that attack tobacco that they are destroying small farmers while encouraging government run tobacco farms. Farming is a socialist system run within a democratic society. Vickii and I are both guilty of broad sweeping statements that offend people--luckily they are usually directed at each other. I'll let Vickii come over in her goat clothes--the goat/shower versus tobacco/shower thing was just a way to show how broad sweeping statements can get a little overboard. If at all possible--Quit Smoking--the chemicals that are sprayed on tobacco (and any vegetables) are going to kill you !

-- Joel Rosen (, June 23, 2000.

Opinions are like noses. Everybody has one. Let me give mine. This post is not meant to be against or for tobacco, drinking alcohol, speeding or anything. I just want to complain about the way the government handles it. "They" make a law against speeding on the highway. Still, "they" are careful to write just enough tickets to suck as much money out of the citizens as possible. "They" don't dare write enough tickets to stop the speeders and ruin the revenue. The make a law to make tobacco companys put a warning on packages but don't do enough to actually stop anyone from smoking. (and I'm not saying they should or should not. "They" are more concerned with the tobacco tax than anyone's health. When it comes to government, whether its a war in Vietnam or anywhere else, tobacco, speed limits etc, the bottom line is the almighty dollar. All decisions are made accordingly. (almost all decisions) Eagle

-- eagle (, June 25, 2000.

Well, now I've gotta throw in my 2 cents worth. It has been noted since the early, early 1700's that tobacco in all forms was addictive. The big tobacco companies didn't do anything "big" or "sinister" by "hiding" this information from us. It was plain to all who had eyes to see, and yet people did and do continue to use tobacco. Two of my children use it. It is their choice. I wish they wouldn't, but they do. One of them has asthma. He feels that the smoking actually helps him. Maybe it does. It certainly doesn't seem to be causing any attacks. In fact, he hasn't had but one attack since he started smoking. He never did, however, have asthma to the point that he needed any further treatment than an inhaler. The point is, not everyone is allergic to tobacco. Some folks now are complaining they are allergic to peanuts and want them or any products made with them banned from all public places, including ball parks. Somewhere, sometime, the over regulation of everything has to stop. Let it be now.

-- Carmen (, June 25, 2000.

your story is so so so so so so borrrring i fell asleep whilst reading it.

-- jorge konson (, March 29, 2001.

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