Information about Greenfield : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I offered to ask for information about the area around Greenfield OH for a friend not on the internet. They are considering a move there for a job and wanted information not in the Chamber of Commerce type brochures. They would especially appreciate data on land availability, cost of living, medical care, crime statistics, climate, just anything you consider important and I'll pass it on. They home school but were interested in youth related activities, cultural opportunities, etc.Thanks in advance.
-- marilyn (, June 17, 2000
Greenfield OH is in south central Ohio. About 70 miles south of Columbus and similar distance to Dayton. Its a rural, about 20 miles off the interstate and sits on state route 28. No major youth support groups other than FFA, FHA. They do have a christian library and a branch library. No to big but usable and has book borrowing rights from other libraries. There is a dozen or so churches and a couple have youth orgainizations. They have a medical center, I think its an outreach project from Ohio State university. The closet hospital is 20-30 miles away. Fire dept is voluntary group, but with a number of mainteined trucks. They do have a city police dept, but its just a couple people. Backup is provided by the local sherrif.South central ohio is going to get some cold winters but not a lot of snow. Summers are hot and humid.
The local newspaper is the Times gazette. You might want to have your friend get a couple coppies to find out whats happening in the area. Contact info is Times. 345 Jefferson St Greenfield, OH 45123 (937) 981-2141
Its been a while since I have been down that way. It was a small town in ohio.
-- Gary (, June 17, 2000.