Good books on grapes and peaches? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I'm looking for some good detailed books on caring for grapevines and also a book on peach trees. Prefer organic but any you really found valuable would be great. Many books are general in nature about "fruits and berries", etc. Any suggestions?
-- Derrick Comfort (, June 15, 2000
I was waiting to see if any one answered, No one has so here are two good books, the encyclopedia of organic gardening 1978 by rodale press, covers food plants[ and some animals ]in depth. also plant science, growth, development, and utilization of cultivated plants by hartmann,flocker and kofranek is good to [ college book]hope this helps.
-- kathy h (, June 17, 2000.
It depends somewhat in what part of the country you are in, as grape growing in Wis is much different than California, and also different than the southern states. I'll try to remember to write down some of my favorites tonight at home.Jim
-- Jim (, June 19, 2000.
Sorry, I am located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Thanks for the two book refs. I'll check them out. I have The Orchard Almanac, which is good too as a time table etc. But, I'm looking for some real meat and indepth coverage on the subject. They don't write books like they used to either. Thanks!
-- Derrick Comfort (, June 20, 2000.