SQL7 Upgrade Error

greenspun.com : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread

Dear Eric, For several days, I have been attempting to upgrade my databases from 6.5 to 7.0. I have several errors that have been generated that I have been able to fix. The one below however, is driving me crazy as I don't understand what the problem is. It states that a table SEEMS inconsistent. My DB designer and I have checked it out and everything looks fine to us. Any idea from the error messages below what is going on??

##### Thursday, June 15, 2000 - 07:20:49 #####

Export Exit Code: -2147467259 - export.exe -CodePage 850 -DeviceType Pipe -AllTables yes -MasterPath D:\MSSQL\DATA\MASTER.DAT -DatabaseName explorer -DevicePath \\.\pipe\~cnvpipe0

An error occured while importing table. Please check the error file.

Time : 06-15-2000 07:22:23

An Error occured while exporting table cabins

Time : 06-15-2000 07:22:23

An Error occured while exporting database explorer

Time : 06-15-2000 07:22:23

An error occured while importing table. Please check the error file.

Time : 06-15-2000 07:22:23

pSql65Server->DumpAllTables () failed. hr=-2147467259

Import Exit Code: -1 - ~cnvpipe0

Msg 4854, Level 21, State 1, Server AKISQL, Procedure , Line 1

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]

Table [explorer].[dbo].[tbl_customer_info] seems inconsistent. DataPageNo=2212 TextPageNo=262 ColOffset=-14 RowOffset=32 state=4

-- Anonymous, June 15, 2000



The error messages refer you to the error file.

The SQL Server Books Online article, "Completing the SQL Server Upgrade Wizard" offers this help in finding the error file:

For more information about specific errors, see the \Mssql\Upgrade\__

The Summary of Warnings dialog box displays inconsistencies found in the user objects of accounts. Users should not continue until these are resolved. This output file is located in the \Mssql\Upgrade\ directory. The file name is associated with the database name and ID, check65- _err.out (for example, check65-007mypubs_err.out). If the user continues without fixing the listed errors, check the relevant files for objects, logins, and invalid permissions.

After that, my next step would be Microsoft Product Support Services.

Good Luck,


-- Anonymous, June 15, 2000

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