transplants not looking too : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have been transplanting the seeds I started in the greenhouse, squash, pumkins, cucumbers and herbs. Our growing season is so short here, we had a frost just a week and a half ago. I gave each plant a shot of fish emulsion diluted in water according to directions. We've since had a lot of rain including lots of wind and a hail storm. Parts of the plants are turning yellow and just do not look healthy. The onions, garlic, shallots and rhubarb look just fine. The strawberries are fine as well. I transplanted them awhile ago in a different part of the yard. What else can I try? I wish to keep this organic. My soil is in great condition from plenty of mulch etc.
-- Cheryl Cox (, June 12, 2000
Cheryl, even if you hardened your seedlings off well, you've had some tough weather for new plants. Squash, pumpkins, and cucumbers are a bit picky about being transplanted anyway. Did you dilute your fish emulsion for garden plants, or for newly planted seedlings? The emulsion on top of what's in your mulch might just be providing them with too much nutrition for their stage of life.I'd keep them well watered, and shelter them from at least the wind and from the sun for a while. If you have old wood shingles, stick them in the ground on the upwind side of the plants. You could also push large cans, or half gallon milk cartons around them. Failing that, can you mound up the mulch or soil into a ring around the plants to give them a bit more shelter? Gerbil
-- Gerbil (, June 12, 2000.
Cheryl your plants will probally turn around if the don't rot first .We too have had much rain , wind and cold temps. I hope it warms soon or the harvest isn't going to be very good .Patty in NY
-- Patty Gamble (, June 13, 2000.
Vine crops transplant poorly! They will "take" eventually, but you gain little, if anything by starting early for transplants. Now tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and a myriad of others, such as cole crops, transplant readily. But do not despair - those transplants will almost certainly come along. GL!
-- Brad (, June 14, 2000.
Cheryl: Last year, the end of May, we had a terrible hail storm, with stones the size of golf balls. Absolutely stripped the garden plants, those that weren't pulverized. The tomatoes were nothing but ugly stems. I was so discouraged, but didn't get around to yanking those up right away, and pretty soon, new leaves developed and those plants went on to have a pretty decent crop. I was really surprised. Had to replant just about everything else, though. Just got the siding re done, after a year! Hard to get good help to come out to the country! Hang in there, and don't over fertilize right now. Jan
-- Jan in Colorado (, June 14, 2000.