Hello from Alabama!!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Finally found all of the computer cables and got hooked up again! WOW,the list of topics marches on and on when you are away for a few weeks!The land is magnificent here in NE Alabama and the people are wonderful...I met my first snake the second day we were here..the only other time i've ever seen a snake was at the zoo (poor city girl).I was sitting on my new porch, thanking God for this home and the land, and something caught my eye about two feet down along the steps...it was a five foot long rat snake going under my porch!!! All of the locals explained that this property had been vacant for over 6 months and the rat snake was "My friend"...I'll buy that...now, we also saw a rattlesnake in the driveway..he is NOT my friend..See how much homesteading I've learned already???? I'm glad to be back online with you all and will have tons of questions as we settle in...
-- Lesley Chasko (martchas@gateway.net), June 12, 2000
Hi Lesley - Glad you're back!! Boy, have you got some catching up to do!! After you tell us all about your new farm, of course!
-- Polly (tigger@moultrie.com), June 12, 2000.
why cant the rattler be your friend also?, Just dont step on him
-- STAN (sopal@net-port.com), June 12, 2000.
Hey Lesley! Welcome back. Glad you made it and got back online. Re: the rattlesnake! As the cartoon said "I'll pet him and stroke him and love him then---CHOP HIS'N HAID OFF WIFF A AX"! LOL! Enjoy your new home! Matt. 24:44
-- hoot gibson (hoot@otbnet.com), June 12, 2000.
Good to see you back! The rattlesnake can in fact be your friend - he is tasty indeed. We don't have them here in Maine, having decided that lobsters can fill the void! Get Neil to load some of those muskets with grapeshot to tame the Rattlers! Learn to identify good snakes and bad snakes! (Sorry, PETA, I do not cuddle up to snakes, but I do tolerate and welcome those I know to be beneficial). Venonous snakes, on the other hand, do not make my list of tolerables. I wonder how many Peta-wackos tolerate venonous snakes in their beds? By the way, I use "venonous", because I do not know of any "poisonous" snakes. Nor do I know of any venomous mushrooms! But I digress. Enjoy the new homestead! And if a geek (not Greek) offering lobsters should appear on you doorstep one day, you'll know who it is! Good luck! And have fun!
-- Brad (Homefixer@SacoRiver.net), June 12, 2000.
Hey, Lesley! Glad you made it ok and are getting settled in! We all missed you, and can't wait to hear about the trip, how the wine survived, etc! Lots of new posts, but not as many as you'd expect, as we all must be busy with gardenin', etc. Jan
-- Jan in Colorado (Janice12@aol.com), June 12, 2000.
Yippee! You made it! I've been thinking about you. Let us know more after you get those empty boxes out of the house!
-- sheepish (rborgo@gte.net), June 12, 2000.
Thanks guys !!!! I MISSED ALL OF YOU....ah yes, the wine.The wine survived quite nicely in its cooler,especially since I forgot to throw in a little ice....It was 58 degrees when I put it in the cooler and then asked the movers if they would mind just one more item.....This green,freshly bottled wine lived in the back of a hot moving truck from 5/30 to 6/8 and never lost a cork..yippee....
-- Lesley Chasko (martchas@gateway.net), June 12, 2000.
Good to hear from you again, Lesslie -- I thought when I saw the subject line of your post, "That must be Leslie!" and, yup, it was!!
-- Kathleen Sanderson (stonycft@worldpath.net), June 12, 2000.
Glad ya made it to Alabama! Have a glass for all of us. Keep us posted!
-- Phyllis (almostafarm@yahoo.com), June 13, 2000.
I missed you too Lesley! Brad you are too much! Okay I admit, I'll tolerate a copperhead if it isn't around the house but even my wacky liberalism draws the line with the other venemous snakes! Lesley, we saw a lot of snakes when we first moved into our homestead too but now that the place is lived in and the critters are around there aren't nearly as many. Enjoy and we hope to hear lots from you. Kim
-- kim (fleece@eritter.net), June 13, 2000.
Welcome back ! Glad the wine didn't "pop a cork" ! Rattlesnakes huh ? I wanted to hear if you've seen any people wearing their bedsheets ? or a frail looking man with whiskey on his breath driving a 59 Cadillac with a guitar in the backseat ? Best Wishes and GL--ain't movin fun ?
-- Joel Rosen (Joel681@webtv.net), June 15, 2000.
Lesley, glad ya are at your new home safe & sound! Keep your eye out for those snakes! Glad your wine made it --after all our teaseing you before you left! I'm sure it was a much nicer trip without hubby on the car roof! How do your dogs like their new home? Sonda in Ks.
-- Sonda (sgbruce@birch.net), June 15, 2000.
Hi Lesley! I've been busy this week and didn't see your post until today. I'm in north Alabama too!!! We haven't seen any rattlers yet this year but two copperheads and a rat snake!!! YUK!!!!Have you just moved to 'bama from somewhere else? We have 13 acres, Angora rabbits (and hope to soon have Angora goats) and a big garden that is really enjoying today's rains!!!!
-- Suzy in 'Bama (slgt@yahoo.com), June 17, 2000.