freebie treadle sewing machine : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I've been checking around on the value of the white treadle sewing machine and have found that it doesn't have alot of value but it seems a shame to junk it since it is a restorable machine.

The cabinet has six drawers but the verneer is peeling in some small spots. It turns over easily and I'm pretty sure it could be a functional machine. It has an electric motor and a foot pedal as well as the treadle so could be operated either way. If anyone here wants it, come and get it. I live in central wisc. Just e-mail me to make arrangements.

-- john leake (, June 10, 2000


Please send me more information about this. Is it still available and where is it in wis that you are? I have been looking for a treadal type for some time. Hubby says he would come to get it if we can put to gather a time and place. Thank you for your time.

-- Leann Banta (, June 11, 2000.

If you can't work things out with Leann, I would love it! I've always wanted a treadle machine. I'm in Illinois with family in Wisconsin and would be very happy to come pick it up.

-- Deborah (, June 12, 2000.

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