farm for sale in NE : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Someone had posted earlier about looking for a farm in Indiana for sale. I was out driving the other day and found a beautiful place for sale, farm buildings and 100 acres. The land is flat and some looked wooded. The house and buildings are located on a private drive about 1/2 mile off the road. It is located in southern Allen County on Pleasant Center Road. The realtor is Coldwell Banker 486-9776. One disadvantage I could see is that it is near a double highway. However, it is far enough away that I don't believe noise would be a problem. Please don't ask me any questions. I only saw the place while out driving and thought someone here might be interested.
-- R. (, June 10, 2000
Area code is 219.
-- R. (, June 10, 2000.