Purchase acreage with house in rural Minnesotagreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Want to purchase acreage with a house in rural Minnesota. Number of acres dependent upon price, location and amenities of property. Areas of most interest are Carlton County and around Baudette, approximately five or less miles to town. I will pay cash fair market price. Prefer older house no larger than 1,000 square feet with garage. Other outbuildings okay.
-- Kathleen Hale (kathleenmae@yahoo.com), June 08, 2000
I'm in Southwestern MN. What are you asking? There are many, many, many affordable rural houses. Esp. modest, older homes. Best bet to find one is to contact the county of interest, or run ads in the local paper. email me for more? Good land about $1000/acre around a homestead, fair home about $50,000 w/outbuildings.
-- Rachel (rldk@hotmail.com), June 13, 2000.