Happy Birthday!greenspun.com : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
I just thought I'd wish Julianna a happy birthday, and I hope she will come back for some guest appearances in the future as she was one of my fave characters.
-- soph hibberts (ickle_socks@yahoo.com), June 08, 2000
Happy Birthday Julianna!
-- Cammie (rmaelhorn@home.com), June 08, 2000.
Yeah. She was my favorite character too. She is also my favorite actress. Her b-day is 1 day after my mom's! Happy Birthday Julianna!
-- Stephanie (ERGirl22@aol.com), June 10, 2000.
I thought I'd add that she's my fave actress too!
-- soph (ickle_socks@yahoo.com), June 12, 2000.