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Hi All, I have a girlfriend that has chickens, she does not have a rooster and one of her hens went "broody". She asked for some eggs from me because I have 3 roosters to 25 girls. I have never seen a male species as active as a rooster. They make me tired just watching them. Anyways.......the chicks came today. How long do you leave the chicks with the hens before you can seperate them. I would like some of the chicks and my girlfriend wanted to keep some. We decided to let the hen raise them for the ease of it all (no lamps, no worry. Does anyone know this ???? Thanks for all your wonderful insight and help. Karole
-- Karole Schoepf (, June 07, 2000
Karole, you'll see the chicks become "teenagers" and strike out more and more on their own. Depending on weather conditions and housing, about the time they're getting nicely feathered would be a good time to take them away. Some breeds could stand being taken a little younger as their chicks do pretty well by themselves. It is easier to see than explain. Gerbil
-- Gerbil (, June 07, 2000.
I've read on this forum, people doing both. I personally like to see the hens raise them. How many chicks did you get and how many hens will raise them? Couple years ago I had one hen with only a couple chicks and another hen who didn't take good care of hers. SO - at night, I put the chicks one at a time under her until she had about 8. I sat and watched to see what she'd do and sure enough, they nestled right under and she raised them! What was the purpose of seperating them? To give some to your friend? If that's the case, I'd say when they lose all their fluffy feathers and get all their real feathers. That's about 2 weeks if my memory serves me right. You'll be able to tell. Once they eat and drink real good and will be warm enough without a hen then I think they'll be fine.
-- Pat (, June 07, 2000.
I have never separated chicks from their mama. She'll raise 'em up and they'll venture off when they're ready.
-- Shannon (Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary) (, June 08, 2000.
"Mama" will decide when the chicks are able to handle life on their own. Usually, in my experience, at about 6 weeks. Leave them with her until then. Even the other hens will terrorize them until they reach that stage. Adult hens will kill and eat young chicks if you put them in an enclosure with them without a Mama to defend them. Don't rush Mother Nature, and everything will be fine. GL!
-- Brad (, June 09, 2000.
Karole, I vote with the rest of the crew. My hens decide when they are ready to leave the chicks and go back to laying, by then the rest of the hens are used to the newcomers and don't try to kill them. karen
-- Karen Mauk (, June 11, 2000.