good news: 2 WA counties link to preserve : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
This was in today's (6/6/2000)online version of The Herald ( Snohomish County WA...where I live). BTW, King Co. is where Seattle is located.Anything like this around where you live??
For educational use only, etc: ******
Counties creating FarmLink program
Herald staff
A step was taken Monday to preserve farmland in Snohomish and King counties.
Executives Bob Drewel of Snohomish County and Ron Sims of King County announced FarmLink, a joint program they believe will be critical in maintaining farmland in the region.
The idea is to use a central office and a data bank to link prospective new farmers with those who retire or may want to leave the business.
FarmLink will be the only program in the state focused solely on connecting farmers with people interested in taking over agricultural-zoned lands to maintain or build farms.
Drewel said changes in farming is a major issue in Snohomish County, even though it isn't as urban as its neighbor to the south.
"The pressures of rapid growth are evident," Drewel said in a prepared statement. "We are pleased to demonstrate our commitment to our farmers and farms, and to show how multiple counties can work together for regional benefits."
Under FarmLink, aspiring farmers and landowners are asked to complete a questionnaire describing goals, situations and resource needs. The information goes into a database and likely prospects are matched.
For additional information, contact Bob Hilgenberg of Snohomish County Planning and Development Services, 425-388-3311, or e-mail . In King County, contact Steve Evans, 206-296-7824, or .
-- sheepish (, June 06, 2000
Amen! Let's hope it works!
-- Amber (, June 07, 2000.
Sounds good doesn't it BUT in Clark county in S.W. Wa. If you personally want to build houses for your kids on 20 acres you can't do it But if you sell it and move someplace else. You'll soon find a house on every 1/4 acre of your old 20 acres. Its the old Golden Rule thing. Who evers got the gold makes the rules. It happened to my brothers friend Doris in Idaho
-- Doris Richards (, June 07, 2000.