Best digital camera with ability to output images directly to a printer : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I work for a county government and we are wanting to upgrade our current method of taking ID pictures. This will be the only thing we use the camera for. We do want color photos approx. the size of wallet pictures. We need a camera that will hold up for continous use. We also are interested in specs on any camera that has the ability to output images directly to a printer as well as specs on the compatible printers.

-- Charlotte Parrish (Parrishc@JCC.CO.Jefferson.AL.US), June 06, 2000


As of this year there are suddenly a great number of printers that print directly from digicam storage media. So you yank the compact flash or smart media card from your camera, stick it in the printer, and print away. There are too many models to list now, most of the major consumer printer manufacturers have one. Because you mention wallet pictures, the olympus models jump to mind (330). This means that most any digicam you buy (except maybe sony with memory stick or floppy) can go straight to printer.

-- benoit (, June 06, 2000.

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