Local Events and Programs for Families, Kids and/or Adultsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Kentlands : One Thread |
It seems that this would be an ideal place to share information on local events and programs for families, kids, and/or adults. For instance, until a neighbor recently suggested that I take my niece to the Quince Orchard Library on June 17th for a special day of family programs--and I subsequently checked out the calendar of programs for that branch--I had no idea that there would be so much going on at a public library. When I was a child, the library was a place you went to read and borrow books, and that was about it. (So much for the "good old days.")Well, there are all kinds of (free) programs going on at the Montgomery County public libraries. Just check out their home page at http://www.mont.lib.MD.us, or, go directly to http://www.mont.lib.MD.us/events.html for the programs and events calendars and click on the branch you are interested in (Quince Orchard, for the special family programs day on June 17th).
-- Mary N. Macdonald (mnmacd@his.com), June 05, 2000
REMINDER: FAMILY PROGRAMS DAY AT QUINCE ORCHARD LIBRARY, THIS SATURDAY (JUNE 17)The events will include a magic show for kids aged 5 and up, at 11:00 a.m. (limited seating, with tickets to be given out to children aged 5 and up 30 minutes before the show begins). Family programs will continue from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and will include, among other activities, puppet shows featuring the new Quince Orchard Library Penny Theatre. Check out the Web site in the posting above for more information.
-- Mary N. Macdonald (mnmacd@his.com), June 15, 2000.
Monthly, the Quince Orchard Library presents the Penny Theater Players. These are children's stories, aimed at 3 to 6 year olds and their parents. You have an opportunity to revisit familiar children's picture books, interpreted through a theatrical medium. It serves as a direct link to the children's literature, and we believe that it also promotes literacy. The library's calendar of events will tell you dates and times: there are usually two shows, one in the morning and one in the early afternoon.
-- Ann Tognetti (atogneti@erols.com), February 15, 2001.
One thing to check out at the Kentlands is a new child care program called "Interactive Child Care." Over at the Internet Cafe, the counselors introduce them to the best in PC and web-based computer games and also provide a complimentary meal. For more information stop by for a flyer at the Internet Cafe at 217 Market Street West (across from the Star Diner).
-- Cameron Manesh (Cmanesh@yahoo.com), April 25, 2002.
Sorry, but we got a different impression of the Internet Cafe when we stopped in to check it out. There were lots of kids playing a violent video game, and also using obscene language. The place was also dirty; the people in charge did not seem interested in disposing of the all meal trash.
-- Bob Mauri (newurban@erols.com), April 25, 2002.