Encoders (Xing VS Panasonic) - what differences between them?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Good day! Maybe whoever knows - what differences between Xing Encoder 2.20 and Panasonic's encoder? My question is about the quality of final file only (the quality of the file that was encoded to VCD PAL format) Thanks in Advance Timur

-- Timur Belyaev (tim@co.ru), June 05, 2000


i can tell you XING is faster, but Panasonic kicks the shit out of it for quality. So far the panasonic is one of the top (or in my opinion the top) encoder out there now. Also be sure to use a filter or two with the panasonic for even better results.

-- Doug (mazinz@aol.com), June 05, 2000.

I agree with Doug. Xing produced much blockiness, but it's fast. Panasonic is slower, but good final result.

-- Beni K. (b_kartono@hotmail.com), June 06, 2000.

What i know is Panasonic causes sound delay in VCD wherelse XING dont

Why Panasonic Causes sound delay

-- Navin Kler (dalvins@tm.net.my), February 23, 2002.

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