I want to buy a old farm house in Virginia.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi, I want to buy an old farm house with a few acres in Virginia. I will pay a fair price, and I would like to buy with owner financing. The farm house doe's not need to be in good shape. I did this kind of work, and can do any kind of repairs. If you are not useing that old farm house why not sell it to me. You can contact me at C15Star@aol.com or call at 804-7482582. If I'm not there when you call, please leave a message. Thanks Clayton
-- Clayton Ramey (C15Star@aol.com), June 01, 2000
Clayton, have you been bombarded with calls, we are looking for the same thing, some land in VA or WV to farmstead, fixer upper welcome but owner finance a must Erik and Kelly
-- Erik (enricoestabar@yahoo.com), March 11, 2001.