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I was wondering if it was just me or if the ERTV web-site has not been updated in a long time. I always try to refresh the page but nothing happens, so I was wondering if it was just my computer, or the page.
-- Megan (, May 30, 2000
It's not just you. This page has not been updated for several months.
-- Patricia (, May 31, 2000.
The ERTV site has basically been abandoned by the folks at WB in favor of a new website. The one that's there will remain as an archive, but the boards (and most likely everything else) are no longer active. There's a link to the new boards at the top of the old page.
-- Rachel (, May 31, 2000.
Could someone post the html address for the ERTV website? Thanks.
-- Lindz (, May 31, 2000.
-- Stephanie (, May 31, 2000.
is there a site like this one for the show dawsons creek? i missed the season finale, and i looked at the WB site, and there's nothing! i wonder if they will rerun it?
-- ALexis Springer (, June 01, 2000.
DON'T GO THERE!! hasn't changed for a long long time. has been updating every week. and there are lots of videos of casts like Noah, Anthony...etc. There's an opening, too. When it comes to the time of season finale, they have promo videos and cast's comment on that. New picture just come up a few weeks ago. But doesn't look that good.
-- Kilim (, June 03, 2000.