i wanna learn about nature photo in university

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

dear you hi,i'am vipash. I live in thailand.i study in geade 10 on high school in Bangkok.. I love camping trekking,canoe,mountain bikeing.scuba diving and also mountaineering but in thailand it hasn't got higher peak more than 2300M so in the future i will go to study in USA. in thailand it haven't got thai mountaineer. well,i wannabe a first one.so what the subject that learn to be a phographer or writer work in a nature,advanture,travel or a cameraman in discoverly channal national geographic or action asia magazine something like that.(you know in thailand we haven't got special subject like in USA)and please give me a name of university that have this subject. plese sent a answer to me at my email adress. thank a lot vipash.

-- vipash purichanont (vipash@bangkok.com), May 30, 2000


shufuhf yuifsudysf iufiush df

-- sdushfusdf (abc@hotmailk.com), November 23, 2000.

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