Can somebody give me directions to Bok? : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Sorry to take up bandwidth due to my lack of saving last week. Chat is tonight, right?

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), May 29, 2000


FS, I think they decided on Tues and Thurs, but I could be wrong. It could actually be any night. Here's the link-Password is NEWT

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), May 29, 2000.

That didn't work for me. Been awhile since this try this and see. I probably screwed it up.

-- Carlos (, May 29, 2000.

Hmmmm you can't say "a< href =" stuff w/o it takiing you seriously. Better maybe?

-- Carlos (, May 29, 2000.

oops sorry about that bad link.

The chat room isn't loading right for me. Anyone else having this problem? I just installed some new software and perhaps that's why. Anyone know how to enable java? thanks

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), May 29, 2000.

Cin, to enable Java:

In Netscape, click Edit --> Preferences --> Advanced --> check Java script/ Java

On Internet Explorer, click on Edit --> Options --> Security --> check Enable Java

-- (y@x.x), May 29, 2000.

I would like to confirm that FutureShock found way to Bok. I know, because I found it too and there was FS. Why did I go? I have never been to Bok. I didn't know what a Bok was, or what country it was in. I thought a Bok might be something I could eat, and I was hungry. You cannot eat Bok, so I left. But it was fun for 5 minutes:)

-- FactFinder (, May 29, 2000.

whoever anonymous 3 was in boks, if you feel like chatting a bit I'm available.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), May 29, 2000.


Knock-knock. You stir-fry Bok in a wok.

-- (, May 30, 2000.

So, does this mean Tuesday evening is still on??

-- Normally (, May 30, 2000.

FS: A little late now, but it was me, after I yelled Heeeeeelllllllllooo I left :-)

Thought you might want to be alone? (smile)

-- consumer (, May 30, 2000.

This is a serious question: how does one pronounce Bok? Is it Bee- Okay? Bow-K? Something else? Why do I care? I'm doing something really boring right now, which leaves my mind free to wander down very strange avenues, like why do women's names generally contain more vowels?

-- (, May 30, 2000.

Pronounce it as you would the style of beer (boch) silly.

-- Bingo1 (, May 30, 2000.

Thanks, Bingo. I've never had a beer of that type.

-- (, May 30, 2000.

Last night was my first "chat room" type experience. It was interesting and enjoyable, and I think helped me to get to know the participants better much more than just exchanging posts. I heartily recommend it to those who have not tried it yet.

It was especially interesting to observe the rantings and manipulations of an anonymous Troll who lurked for awhile and then joined in, quickly demonstrating MPD characterstics and attempting to dominate the conversation.

I was wondering if there are plans to chat on a regular basis, and if so, when, and what might be good times to check in?

-- Flash (flash@flash.hq), June 02, 2000.

Do you refer to me, Flash, oh great collector of addresses? ;^)

-- Bingo1 (, June 02, 2000.

No,Bingo, you should have stuck around. I think Flash was referring to Anon 1265.

-- Normally (, June 02, 2000.

Normally - Thanks, you are correct.

Bingo - Chatting with you was fun. No way are you the one I was referring to.

I am indeed referring to the mysterious 1265 who exhibited a lot of Hawk-like dialogue. If it wasn't Hawk, then he ought to find out who the troll is and give it a dose of its own medicine. Frankly, I have always had a higher opinion of Hawk than what I experienced last night, so still find it hard to believe that it might really be him. But based upon a dialogue analysis, it sure looked like him. It's hard to believe that people of adult age can still act like 12 year old boys (unless of course, they are mentally ill).

-- Flash (flash@flash.hq), June 02, 2000.

FS and Other Chatters:

I missed it!!!! Last nite anyways. But I had a 'very nice time' chatting w/Deb, EVEN Flint :-) (who has a good sense of humor also) and abunch more.

What occurred last nite? How bad was it? How did you handle it? And when is the next chat?

I am interested in joining in, I enjoyed it. Havent been posting much lately, have friends in from outta town.


sumer who is at work :-(

-- consumer (, June 02, 2000.

Friday night chat in Boks if you feel like it...9:30pm and onward :-)

-- kritter (, June 02, 2000.

FS where are ya? And everyone else who may have planned to be there. I thought Sunday at 8 pm was the time. Although, I admit I was a tad late. Will hang around for a bit anyway.

-- Normally (, June 04, 2000.

It appears disharmony has taken hold, however temporarily, on this forum. Brow-beating is not my style, nor do I wish to expose myself unnecesarily to intense negativity. My impulse is to disappear. However, I find many participants here, prior to these past few days, to be extremely engaging.

Perhaps it might benefit those who visit this forum for pleasant exchange of ideas to meet for chat at Bok's this evening to discuss recent events and mull over possible solutions/alternatives.

Any suggestions?

-- Bingo1 (, June 06, 2000.

What time, Bingo? There were some of us in there at about 8 pm EDT.. you figure on getting there later?

-- Normally (, June 06, 2000.

uh oh

somebody changed the password?

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), June 07, 2000.


No the password is still the same. newt.

What disharmony and discord are you referring to Bingo?

-- Monkey Spanker (, June 08, 2000.

Just thought I'd "freshen" the thread a little bit. Anyone around tonite?

-- Flash (flash@flash.hq), June 09, 2000.

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