f4s problems?greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
My bike has done 130miles so far with no problems. However, i have heard reports of problems with the gearbox,problems with injection and with the valve gear. I suppose all these things will be warranty items. Any one had any thing go wrong yet?Ian
-- ian hall (ihall916@tesco.net), May 29, 2000
I have heard problems with oil leaking at high revving.Ben
-- Ben P (duc@rendo.dekooi.nl), May 31, 2000.
Heard, Heard......... and I heard...... Mine has 700 miles and starts and runs perfectly every time. None of the others that I know of have any problems at all.
-- Scott Rothermel (jsratcas@aol.com), June 01, 2000.
That sounds good Scott,i hope it stays good.I am still waiting on my mv.ben
-- Ben P (duc@rendo.dekooi.nl), June 01, 2000.
No problems on mine at this point.My biggest problem so far was getting rid of the cheesy looking front fender!
-- Russ Roberts (rurober@attglobal.net), June 15, 2000.
I have bikes with 7000Km with no problems at all. Not a single one.
-- humberto (crmoto.tech@oninet.pt), June 22, 2000.
I have had no problems, save the service guys overfilled the coolent which leaked...scared the crap out of me when I saw a pool of liquid under the bike. What else? I'm trying but, just can't think of anything. Roll on the spring!
-- michael newton (glider01@btinternet.com), January 04, 2001.
Dear Yan, Mine has 8.000KM and I have a problem with the rear balrring. The bigest problem is that after 3 monthes no one solves the problem. If you know someone that could help, please.......
-- Mmanuel Luis (mlag@netcabo.pt), October 17, 2002.