Comments on "What the characters see for season : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
You guys and gals are hilarious! I've been having a great time reading your "In Character" comments. Especially loved Lizzie's, Carol's and Rocket Romano's (especially regarding Peter!) and the faux email addresses are just great! Love it!
-- SB (, May 28, 2000
Yes they are hilarious! I also think that it's hilarious that we are so bored we are making up threads about other threads. No insults; of course; I just find it amusing.
-- Kim (, May 28, 2000.
There's a really funny one in the "Randomness" threads section called "personality adjustment, stat!" It's funny, it just got a little out of hand, but it was still hilarious!
-- catherine (, May 29, 2000.
Thanks Catherine, I'm sure another one will pop up in the future!
-- Jane (, May 31, 2000.