Goodbye for now ! Off to Alabama! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Well, everything else is packed, so the computer gets to live in a box as well...We're off to our Alabama homestead of our dreams (with banjoes on our knees)..Moving van will be here Tuesday morning..Whatever you guys are all doing on Wednesday and Thursday,do take a moment to chuckle when you think of us stuffed in our small Blazer with the pets and the cooler of homemade should be quite a trip!!!!! I may not get my furniture until June 12 (yikes), so I will be in withdrawal from the forum..(I wonder what the symptoms will be)?...God bless and see you soon....Lesley
-- Lesley Chasko (, May 27, 2000
Good trip Lesley, hope all goes well and safely for you and yours. I'm excited for you! Gerbil
-- Gerbil (, May 27, 2000.
Lesley, it's like the Odyssey! Good luck and I can't wait to hear about your adventure! Hope you got good shocks on the Blazer so you don't bounce that wine too much! Bon chance!
-- sheepish (, May 27, 2000.
Good Luck Lesley,We did a similar adventure a year ago with a livestock trailer of sheep, chickens, turkeys, 3 kids, 3 cats and a dog! The adventure is just beginning! I'll think warm (hmm Alabama, maybe you'd prefer cool) thoughts for you this week! Kim
-- kim (, May 27, 2000.
Best wishes on your journey to your new home. Hit up the public library if your computer doesn't arrive before you begin withdrawal - they often have computers the public can use - and you'll be introducing the librarian to a whole new world!!
-- Polly (, May 27, 2000.
Sounds like an adventure! Have fun! I am envious - I lived in AL when I was a child (Oneonta) and dream of living there again some day... We'll be waiting to hear from you. Blessings to you, too.
-- Jean (, May 27, 2000.
Best of Luck to You and Yours ! If you ever find yourself on Sand Mountain---Run !
-- Joel Rosen (, May 27, 2000.
Best wishes & have a safe trip!!! Let us know as soon as you get to a computer!!!! Sonda in Ks.
-- Sonda (, May 27, 2000.
Lesley, We'll be thinking of you, and if things get tough, there is always the green wine....:)Have a great adventure, and let us know all about it as soon as you are back on line! Jan
-- Jan B (, May 27, 2000.
Lesley, we also live in PA. We will miss you. Wish us luck in finding a new place, we're looking. Hope your trip to your new home is an easy one. Best wishes to you & your family!!!
-- Phyllis (, May 28, 2000.
Have a safe trip and a fun adventure.
-- Cindy (, May 28, 2000.