Canning Information : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

For those of you who might not know, Ball/Kerr has a newsletter that they send out several times a year that is free of charge (we like free, right?) There is info and recipes, and most have coupons in them for supplies. The address is: Alltrista Consumer Products Company, Newsline/Home Essentials, PO Box 2005, Muncie, IN 47307-0005. They will send a catalog, too. Their web site is I haven't looked at it yet, but will when I'm done visiting here. Happy preserving!

-- Jean (, May 25, 2000


Thank you! Nothing better than new info! GL!

-- Brad (homefixer@, May 25, 2000.

Thanks, Jean! It is always great to be able to keep up with the latest news on things like that. I'll check it out today. Jan

-- Jan (, May 26, 2000.

I have used the site and it is really great. We sell their jars online at Mountain Home Basics as well as weveral canning supplies. They are a good resource.

Steve Mountain Home Basics

-- Steve Elsmore (, May 26, 2000.


I have a small (Ronco) dehydrator that I just "had to have" from one of those tv infomercials. Can you give me some suggestions of things to dehydrate, how to store them once the are fully dehydrated and exactly how do you tell if they ARE fully dehydrated. I think I've over dehydrated some things a time or two. Haven't tried much in it, but I like the idea. It's been just sitting in the pantry not being used for quite some time now. Would like to get 'er out and put 'er to use if I knew how a little better.

Thanks for your response. Greenthumbelina

-- Greenthumbelina (, October 20, 2000.

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