hand wringersgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
As a follow up to the washing clothes post, I was wondering if you could share any info you might have on hand wringers. I am interested in trying some new laundry technics and this is a logical place for me. (Wringer washer is a little beyond me right now) I checked Lehman's and the cheapest set they have is $119. Ebay has a variety of them from $5 to $89. The problem is, I don't exactly know what to look for...any advice?
-- Jennifer (KY) (acornfork@hotmail.com), May 23, 2000
We've got one..................but its not for sale. You might try Berry Hill, (sorry its Canadian), but Lehmans as far as I know is probably your best bet. It might be worth it to spend the money. You also could look around antique shops as there might be a usable one there. Happy searching!
-- Abigail F. (treeoflife@sws.nb.ca), May 24, 2000.
I agree with Abigail. Its worth it to get a good one. Mine came from Lehmans and cost $ll0 but its very very sturdy. It handles everything in my wash but my husbands overalls. They are size 60 and just too bulky. It removes as much water as my machine. I really save a lot of water washing by hand. There is a laundry soap recipe posted here somewhere thats good too. The one that starts with Fels-naptha. I use it on really dirty stuff with good results. I keep a bar of the Fels to use on stains and the rub board gets white socks cleaner than any machine I've owned. Good washing to you. Peggy
-- Peggy (wclpc@cookeville.com), May 24, 2000.
Jennifer, if you are talking about the little wringer that clamps onto a tub, you're up against the country decorators. It is popular right now to buy them and hang them on bathroom walls as towel racks. So what is "good" to an online seller who is aiming for that market isn't necessarily good for you.They do still turn up at swap meets, antique stores, and auctions. That would be the best place to buy one since you can check it out. Look over the rollers carefully. Make sure they turn, and if there is an adjustment for them, make sure it works. Just look it over for damage and check that working parts work. Still a risk, so decide what fraction of $119 you can afford to lose if you buy a lemon. Gerbil
-- Gerbil (ima_gerbil@hotmail.com), May 27, 2000.
I thought I was the only one left who was doing hand laundry (not just limited to unmentionables). For quite sometime I have been doing my son's white and colored tee shirts and light weight shorts. I cannot do denim or heavy sweats, mainly because I do not have the strength to wring them out. I estimate I do about three washloads a week at minimum. I watch for clear days in winter and on most summer days, hand everything outside. I am an aparatment dweller, so "outside" is limited to my deck and a discrete drying rack. Does anyone else do hand laundry?
-- Janice Alder (janicera@webtv.com), June 14, 2001.
Hi,I recently got a used hand wringer. There are surprisingly a lot of different types out there. But of the modern version, there is only one or two models, all made by one company -- www.dynajet.com. As someone else noted there's a lot of little things to look for:
- Besides having a tension screw, is it possible to increase the actual space between rollers for thicker clothes?
- Is the handle strong and secure (eg, not too much rust)? Replacing it will be difficult. Not being able to wind it means it's useless (as per my Wonder Wash, which I overfilled with water in first month-- see below).
- Are the rollers wood or rubber? If it's rubber and in good shape, great! Old rubber can crack eventually. Wood can be maintained, if it's not already split. I saw another thread with some ideas for replacing rubber wringers. Seems possible, but quite a challenge.
- Make sure the clamps are both there and in good shape. Are you planning to clamp directly onto a basin, tub, or piece of wood across tub...?
- Many wringers are quite narrow (eg, 9-1/2" across), but there are some as wide as 24" or more. Check out ebay (www.ebay.com), and occasionally you may find one that is not going for astronomical collector's prices. But be aware shipping can be very costly. If you can find one in an old yard sale, you're better off.
In response to Janice's post about doing laundry by hand, I use a pressure hand washer (called Wonder Clean, Wonder Wash, and other names). It really does clean better than machines -- AND it uses NO ELECTRICITY and far less water than handwashing. It's wonderful!
Several years ago, I was living on an island and my friend had one. I was only able to find it again last year. There is an awesome site with this and other products, as well as many laundry tips (not necessarily geared at self-sufficiency households, but still good info).
Anyway, good luck with your handwashing!
-- L. (alternatives11@hotmail.com), December 14, 2001.
have you tried "Wiseman Trading and Supply" 1-888-891-8411?? I recently purchased a Dyna Jet Hand Wringer from them for a lot less than what I saw on other sites. Found the folks on the other end of the phone very pleasant and helpful, enjoyed dealing with them. Try them I think you'll like dealing with them.
-- amy(AZ) (teddyden@cybertrails.com), March 26, 2002.
I washed all the laundry for my family of 7 for several years. No money, no washer, you know. I now have an electric washer and LOVE IT! I used to hang clothes outside, but we all have allergies, so that turned out not to be a good idea. The doctor bills were more than I was saving.
-- Gayle in KY (gayleannesmith@yahoo.com), March 26, 2002.