Is the Fuji mx-4700 arguably the best digital camera made? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I bought the fuji mx-4700 and I was wonder is it the best camera made? I went to the store and was about to buy a Mavica but then the sales person convinced me that the fuji mx-4700 is the best camera out there in terms of resolution,size etc. What do you think? What are the pros and cons? Thank you.

-- Jon Jake (, May 23, 2000


No, it is not the best. Unfortunately the pixel claims on the fuji are a very big lie. We all were eagerly awaiting Fuji's new proprietary honeycomb CCD's, and instead of beating the competition, they let us down. I would actually recommend any 3 megapixel camera over this one -- S20, casio, oly, nikon... Choose among these based on your needs for size, manual control, etc..

On the bright side, you did ask BEFORE you bought. :)

-- benoit (, May 23, 2000.

Hello there I'm from Germany, and my english is not perfect...sorry After my opinion it's a good buy.Why? -it's the smallest digicam with 3-zoom lens at the moment. (one off the smallest at all). What you want to do with 32-64 of the S20???(It's also a fine camera) -its sharpness, and low-light-performance is as well or even better than most 3.3 MP cameras.(not the resolution)as much i know fuji never promised that. Here in Germany the fuji is even cheaper than S20, and thats o.k.


-- Heinz (, May 24, 2000.

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