Miami Lice : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

What do you think about the idea of $100 million of your tax money going to this freeloading piece of trash? I've got one word for this low-life and the crack whore Marisleysis he rode in on... SCUM.

Fisherman' Dalrymple files $100 million civil rights lawsuit against Reno, Meissner

May 22, 2000 Web posted at: 1:10 p.m. EST (1710 GMT)

MIAMI (CNN) -- Donato Dalrymple, the self-described savior of 6-year-old Elian Gonzalez, is suing Attorney General Janet Reno and INS Commissioner Doris Meissner for allegedly violating his civil rights during the raid that removed the boy from the Gonzalez home.

Dalrymple filed a lawsuit asking for more than $100 million from Reno, Meissner and Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder.

The suit was filed Monday in federal court in Miami by Judicial Watch on behalf of Dalrymple. Judicial Watch is a judicial watchdog group that became active during President Bill Clinton's impeachment proceedings.

In his two-count complaint, Dalrymple claims federal agents conducted an illegal raid, and he alleges his Fourth Amendment rights protecting him against unreasonable search and seizure were violated.

The lawsuit states the government placed "substantial and complete restrictions on Plaintiff's liberty of movement" and that Dalrymple was "restrained by use of physical force...without probable cause or other legal justification."

The second count claims violation of due process under the Fifth Amendment.

Dalrymple was one of two fishermen who plucked Elian Gonzalez from the water last November.

The owner of a janitor service, Dalrymple visited the Miami relatives of the boy daily when Elian was in the temporary custody of his great-uncle.

During the federal raid to reunite father and son, Dalrymple tried to hide Elian in a bedroom closet before agents broke through the bedroom door and seized the boy from Dalrymple's arms.

-- Hawk (flyin@hi.again), May 22, 2000


I would like to see him win the suit, not because I think he deserves the money, but because it might help to restrain the abusive federal police agencies.

-- Dave (, May 22, 2000.

Hawk- Finally, something we can agree on. I hope the judge has a good laugh and throws this case out before it ever gets to court.

-- Gia (, May 22, 2000.

Granted this person is some piece of work, but if his rights were violated the situation needs to be examined..and a more reasonable amount of damages should be awarded..Have the camera operators who were supposedly pushed and beaten filed any suits?

-- george (, May 22, 2000.

So, a right-wing organization that was in the forefront of the impeachment campaign is now helping the fisherman/toilet cleaner? Figures.

You can file all the suits that you want but you still have to prove the allegations to win. The raid wasn't illegal and his 4th amendment rights weren't violated. But, why not take a chance at the cash, I suppose, as long as you're unemployed anyway and it won't cost you anything.

-- Jim Cooke (, May 22, 2000.

Did anyone see where Dalrymple filed a suit to get Elian an appointed guardian? [The Miami "family" were VERY angry that he didn't clear this one with them first.]

He's trying to extend his 15 minutes of fame, and not doing a very good job of it. I can't believe the Cuban associations are footing the bill on these suits he's filing, [what with him being on the outs with the family now.] Who might be paying for THIS?

-- Anita (, May 22, 2000.

Donato Dalrymple

Just a question is Dalrymple a common Cuban name?

Best wishes,,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, May 22, 2000.

Z, this idiot Donato is not Cuban but he pimped himself off to them for who knows what. This shitbowl scrubber is a sorry piece of lowlife scum but some clever folks are milking this situation for all its worth. If this fool is given one penny of OUR money then I will hope for his introduction to extreme prejudice. This kind of shit is driving me crazy and Im a fairly reasonable person. Makes you wonder how long before the wild ones go over the edge a start some vigilante action. They have my vote and donation.

-- Ra (tion@l.1), May 22, 2000.

Z, you are such a cynic. He shortened his name from Dalrymplez.

-- (, May 22, 2000.

Hey Ra,

Someone else already got evn more pissed than you... gettin tired of paying taxes to freeloading scum

-- Hawk (flyin@hi.again), May 23, 2000.

Hawk, I remember this story very well and it is a great example of what can happen when there is no so-called system to rely on. This guy is an immigration lawyer and he goes off on his bread and butter customer base. Go figure. He will probably sue the State of Pennsylvania for undue stress associated with his job.

-- Ra (tion@l.1), May 23, 2000.

Oh you are all SO above fishing and cleaning toilets for a living?

I just hate that condescending crap.

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), May 23, 2000.


I don't think anyone considers themself above a fisherman or one who cleans toilets, but Dalrymple ISN'T a fisherman...he went out with his cousin [the fisherman who actually pulled Elian from the water] so that he could listen to oldies on the radio. Ever since, he's made no bones about enjoying the publicity he's taken upon himself. Once the publicity ended, he kept trying to stretch it and stretch it. I think it's for THAT folks think he's slime.

-- Anita (, May 23, 2000.


A guy who's proud of his job, whether cleaning toilets or fishing, is OK by me. A guy who lies about being a fisherman, then about having a cleaning business, and then the truth comes out that he was just a night janitor, is not OK by me.

-- Jim Cooke (, May 23, 2000.

Larry Klayman (Judicial Watch) obviously has way too much time on his hands these days.

-- I'm Here, I'm There (I'm Everywhere@so.beware), May 23, 2000.

None of this would have ever happened if justice had been served in the Senate impeachment trial -- if they had voted correctly, then thrown out Al Gore for his proven misconduct as well, we'd have a better President and a better Attorney General.

We certainly wouldn't have any worse than what we have now.

-- Chicken Little (, May 23, 2000.

I'll bet the lawyer sought out Dalrymple. It would be a very strong man who could resist the seductive charms of a lawyer promising to win you millions of dollars: "You will never need to clean another toilet again."

So who is worse, the non-genius fisherman, or the supposedly educated lawyer?

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 23, 2000.

You got it Unk.

Cin, I can give you the name of someone who is above cleaning toilets for a living..Donato.

-- Ra (tion@l.1), May 23, 2000.

Correction Ra. He is BELOW cleaning toilets for a living. Now he wants money for nothing.

-- Hawk (flyin@hi.again), May 23, 2000.

Money for nothing. Well that certainly puts him in good company. Dorothy Tillman should represent him.

-- Ra (tion@l.1), May 23, 2000.

cin, I'd damn well scrub toilets for a living before I'd sue *anyone* over something that was none of my damned business in the first place. That guy is an idiot. The real fisherman finally told about Mr. D's insignificant role in the rescue. Then he jumps in the closet like a nitwit, and adds more risk to everyone. He should be sued for child endangerment.

Chicken Little-shit, why are you still harping on that old crap. This would have happened if you had been president. (That thought should scare the hell out of anyone.) The scuzzy Cuban-American kidnappers are the cause of all this expensive, needless crap, so put the blame where it belongs.

Mr. D guy is suffering from a hero-complex, he wanted to be the savior of the boy, but wasn't. He wants fame and fortune, and sounds like he's willing to do anything to get it.

-- gilda (, May 23, 2000.

Hi guys, Dalrymple is not Cuban, he is a 2nd or 3rd generation Italian. And you are right, it was not him who saved the boy, but his cousin, who IS a fisherman. Dalrymple just went along for the ride. It was his first time out fishing. The cousin is so fed up with Dalrymple's attempts to take advantage of the sitation for personal gain that the cousin has not spoken to him for several months. It has been a bizarre story. I'm begining to thing that I really do live in a Bannana Republic.

-- JoseMiami (, May 23, 2000.

Cin says:

I just hate that condescending crap.

You dont have enough intelligence to comment on this situation. The facts surrounding Donato are obviously beyond your limited comprehension. Stick to the simple things Cin and you wont embarrass yourself.

-- Willy (from@old.Philly), May 23, 2000.

Chicken Little, although IMHO I think you're hung up on the impeachment thing, I want to apologize for calling you Chicken Little-shit. I just finished reading a post you wrote about cats and declawing, and I know you must be a wonderful person to care so much about cats.

I have nine cats and love them all. Most of them are discards by other people, except for one that I stole from an abusive situation. I think declawing is the most barbaric practice I've ever heard of. Cutting of dogs tails is inhumane too. I wish the practice were outlawed in the U.S. Thanks for the links.

-- gilda (, May 23, 2000.


I can think of a few things more barbaric than declawing cats.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), May 24, 2000.

Cin says: I just hate that condescending crap.

You dont have enough intelligence to comment on this situation. The facts surrounding Donato are obviously beyond your limited comprehension. Stick to the simple things Cin and you wont embarrass yourself.

-- Willy (from@old.Philly), May 23, 2000.

Your a real fucking hero in my book.

-- (you@ss.wipe), May 24, 2000.

No wee willy winkie, I believe it's beyond YOUR comprehension, and I believe it would serve no purpose to explain it to you. Good day =)

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), May 24, 2000.

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