quiet ducks or gamebirdsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Does any know of any breeds of duck or game birds which make little to no noise. All replies will be greatly appreciated.
-- keith davidson (mouyposmoniksi@netscape.net), May 21, 2000
Muscovy ducks are speechless!!!(and tasty, altho kind of ugly) Sue
-- sue (sulandherb@aol.com), May 21, 2000.
Hello,Of all the breeds of ducks I have had, the blue Swedish are the most quiet. Very seldum will they make any noise. The only time you will hear them complain is like ,,say.. a possium is after them and they will let you know about it.
-- Bergere (autumnhaus@aol.com), May 22, 2000.
About Your question of quiet ducks and gamebirds. I know muscovy ducks do not quack but make a hissing noise when scared. As for game birds I have raised pharo(aka)egyptian quail and they are very quiet and mature at 6 weeks old and start to lay at 8 weeks.Also most of the pheasants are fairly quiet also .Hope this was some help.carla
-- carla (hillsidefarm@texoma.net), May 25, 2000.