Do you know anything about Tri-State homes? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am looking at a homestead with a Tri-state manufactured home on it. The house was built in the 70's and I heard there was a lawsuit with the manufacture about a vapor barrier or something but I am not sure what the law suit was about. Can someone help?
-- Chris (, May 21, 2000
Gosh I remember TriState getting sued. Long time ago, but believe it was because they put a impermeable plastic vapor barrier under siding which caused lot of rot. For anybody who doesnt know, plastic vapor barrier always goes on interior side over the insulation and under the drywall or panelling. I believe that modern "housewrap" product used under siding is designed to let water vapor through although I have no experience with it and dont know for sure. It was structural rot whatever the cause I believe. I suggest you might pay a bonded, insured house inspector if you have any doubts before you purchase. Dont want a house with major rot problems unless you get whole mess for the price of the land.
-- Hermit John (, May 21, 2000.
I was in real estate for a long time and I think the problem was discovered in the mid to late 1980s. There was a vapor barrier on both sides of the studs, trapping moisture and causing them to rot. Certainly not all Tri-States were built this way and I would be surprized if the affected ones weren't all repaired because it was well publicized. I think the company took care of the repairs but is now out of business!I can't remember what years they were manufactured, but you can probably get that info and see if "your" house was made then. Or, you could have the seller take off some siding and check. That's what we did when the problem first cropped up and everybody was panicky about Tri-States. Good luck! Alma
-- Alma Miller (, May 21, 2000.