REDEEMED?? My interest is rekindled (re: May Day) : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread

Last night was an outstanding episode and I was on the edge of my seat. I had become bored with the show and was even a little disappoint with last week's episode (Carol and Doug) though I was happy to see those two back together. I even made a comment about how I wasn't too interested in the show.

Well, I'm hooked, I'm back. Anybody share my sentiments?

-- Rachel (, May 19, 2000


Response to REDEEMED?? My interest is rekindled

I totally agree with you. Well, actually, for me, it started with last week's eppy, but for a few there, i was really getting bored with the show. I have been an ER fanatic (litterally) since the beginnign of the second season. I would tape every episode and watche them again for fun. :) I had stopped watching in the middle of the fifth season, because it was really getting boring, and I didn't really like the Lucy/Carter thing happening. I barely watched it at all this season. I think the second one I saw this year was "Be Still My Heart," and that got me hooked again. After "All in the Family," it was still interesting, but I would get so bored in the middle of the show. Last week's was the first time since "Be Patient" that I didn't look at my watch at all. I realy think they have a good storyline here with Carter, and should focus on Carter next season, not just drop it like it never happened. Sorry this was so just sort of came out. :?)

-- Kimmy (, May 19, 2000.

Response to REDEEMED?? My interest is rekindled

I really though tlast week's epi was lousy...but what a way to make up for it! A nearly perfect epi (Luka's dealings with the pregnant woman being the exception).

Carter and Benton are the best.

-- Rusty Priske (, May 19, 2000.

Response to REDEEMED?? My interest is rekindled

There were a couple of good episodes early on, but I think the quality has been up again since Be Still My Heart. I personally think that either Carol and Doug should've left together last season or he should've stayed for one more year. Carol has been a dead loss all year, and it really annoyed me the way she toyed with Luka's heart, then threw it back. Hopefully now that she's gone (and I did love SSS; several aspects, not just Doug/Carol), things will make more sense. We certainly won't have the distraction of wondering will he/won't he?

It's hard to imagine next season without knowing what new characters they're going to add (they've done it for the last 3-4 years). I hope they give Jing-Mei some interesting storylines, that Dave and Abby shape up somewhat, and Michael Michelle somehow realizes she's not playing a stone-faced homicide cop anymore.

-- Felicity (, May 19, 2000.

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