Cost of living in Silicon : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Front page of the USA Today newspaper: 2 bedroom, 1 bath house - sold for $797,000!!!!!!!!!! in a residencial neighborhood (no acreage or anything). No wonder that family from the Silicon Valley wanted to move out to a cheaper part of the country! Man, my heart goes out to you. Hope you can make the move soon.
-- Vaughn (, May 18, 2000
Vaughn, for that much money, I could probably set up my own country where I live. The paper didn't happen to mention what the monthly payment was on something like that, did it? Gerbil
-- Gerbil (, May 18, 2000.
It's sad but true. I know some people that pay $4,500 a month on their mortgage. Property? Try yard- my yard is 20" X 90" and there is a two story home that was built 40" feet from my house.There was a run down home with no roof that just went for a cool MILLION! No joke. It is crazy here! Thanks for your support, Vaughn.
-- Silicon Valley Man (, May 19, 2000.
We told you it is insane here! My husband mentioned the plastic on the house. Actually, the story is even better than that...The house had a cracked foundation and rotting window sills. No tile in the shower and plastic stapled to the roof. No property. They asked for 700K and got six offers and sold it for one million.
In San Francisco(near Silicon Valley), houses are going for 4 times the asking price. I even saw a news story on a $2M house selling for $11M. Stupid I tell you!
Also, when gas prices were around a buck around the country, our gas prices never saw below $1.30. The gas companies told us it was because this area you can afford it. NICE!
We had relatives from Utah who came out here when we had our last baby and came home from the grocery store with sticker shock. Well, I tell you, we're leaving. Some how, some way, hopefully soon!!!
Thanks for the support and the advice!
-- Silicon Valley Man's Wife (, May 19, 2000.
SVMW, don't come up here!! Puget Sound is a Silicon Valley Wannabe...Sheesh, I wish Microsoft would move down there!! Good luck, anyway!
-- sheepish (, May 19, 2000.