when your neighbor goes bad updategreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
well she is back and ready to go round 4,5,6and 7, but guess who won? me!!!!!!!!!!!! i now fall under the counties commercial farm laws instead of private. what does that mean, well it has something to do with amount of land per head of livestock and feed and also if you sell any animals. she wanted to have my animals taken but now i am able to have as many as i wont as long as i sell 100.00 worth of stock or ag. produce a year, and suppelment their feed instead of just grazing,i do that anyway. i am also now able to write off feed and such to show a yearly loss of money. i talked to our companies accountant and he said go for it. more paper work but i donot lose my livestock! a big thank you to everyone . one battle down, more to go?
-- renee oneill (oneillsr@home.com), May 16, 2000
Congratulations, Renee!!!! It's a good feeling when *occasionally* the good guys win!
-- Tracy (trimmer@westzone.com), May 17, 2000.
Good for you!!!!!!!! :O)YA!!!!
-- Bergere (autumnhaus@aol.com), May 17, 2000.
thats one for the good guys congrats!!! Shaun
-- shaun cornish (shaun-terri@juno.com), May 17, 2000.
Good for you ! You will get allot more back in taxes also .Save all your receipts gas , meals,clothing,cleaning supples,paper products .Anything you use in the barn or for the animals .
-- Patty Gamble (fodfarms@slic.com), May 17, 2000.
Good for you! But, will she really go away? My cousins dog just took a load of buckshot, on their property! Just watch your P's & Q's and as PG said, keep every reciept even for dumb stuff! Do the old sheets and blankets, go for rags or bedding? Well, if 'Bill and Hilary can deduct $2.00 ea. for his used (he,he) boxers, so can we! Did we have as much fun 'out of ours'!
-- Kathy (catfish@bestweb.net), May 17, 2000.
So happy for you Renee! You give me hope!
-- Laurie (SUPERGS63@AOL.COM), May 18, 2000.
Way to go! If you have a problem, I'm sure you must have a chicken that's worth $100 to me! Or 2 that are worth $50 to me and Karen! And your next step: A rifle range! If you only have 25 yards, a pistol range! I have both, and all the neighbors actually like it. Makes the newcomers "from away" nervous, and the neighborhood live up to the motto "Maine - the way life should be"! GL Tiger!
-- Brad (homefixer@SacoRiver.net), May 20, 2000.