Why we are moving to Oklahoma.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I noticed someone elses Oklahoma question, and decided I would list the reasons a couple of native Californians are leaving the state of their birth to go to Oklahoma. As I said both My husband and I were born in California and in the time since my birth I have watched this state become almost a totalitarian government in and of itself. In California, there is not much you can do without the permission of the state. If you own a gun, the laws are currently such that it is so difficult to defend home and family it is hardly worth it to try. Oklahoman's by contrast have the state constitutional right to keep and bear arms and they have a concealed carry law that guarantees they can protect themselves and their families. In California if you currently own land it is nearly impossible to build on without having to hav everybody and their brother's permission and paying $10,000- $40,000 in fees and school tax. By Contrast, in Oklahoma if you own property outside of the city limits and you want to call a piece of tin and a stick your home you have the right to do so, although your neighbors might say some interesting things about you. Oklahoma is also on of the few states where the right to school your child as you see fit is constitutionally protected. I should also say here that Oklahoma is a beautiful State. So all of you who are from Oklahoma count yourselves blessed and get up to your state capital and fight to keep your freedom while you still can. Let me tell you that is what Californians should have done years ago. In Irvine California it is currently illegal to have a basketball hoop on your garage. There are citys, not subdivisions, in California that try to tell everyone what color curtains they should have. Protect your freedom while you still can. When I get there you'd better believe that is what I'll be doing. All the state congressman are going to be saying I wish that crazy lady from California would leave me alone.Little Bit Farm
-- Little bit Farm (littlebit@calinet.com), May 15, 2000
Good for you! Bravo, Little Bit!
-- john leake (natlivent@pcpros.net), May 15, 2000.
Minnesota's not far behind California. The ultimate in political correctness. If we are all forced to appear the same, we will become the same. What's next? Making indoor plumbing illegal since the pipes could be used for making pipe bombs? The reality is that it is intolerance against everyone instead of intolerance aimed at specific groups. Wonder how and where it will end. Gerbil
-- Gerbil (ima_gerbil@hotmail.com), May 15, 2000.
I lived in Oklahoma for a short time. One of the reasons I left was that it was not legal to have a home birth there,Minnesota is that way,too.
-- Rebekah (daniel1@transport.com), May 16, 2000.
All states have restrictions on your freedom. I am currently looking at a home with a small peice of property near us. Mind you we built this home, dairy barn and shop out of pocket and lived without sewage and electricity for a year! This new place, which I passed on, has a deed restriction for fences! Seems this is how they keep livestock out of there! Go figure! Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh (Texas) (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), May 17, 2000.
Rebekah,When did you live in Oklahoma? I live in Oklahoma and personally know a midwife who does homebirths here.
-- Mona (jascamp@ipa.net), May 17, 2000.
It would have been about 7 or 8 years ago.I 'm not saying people there don't home birth, but where we were,the people we knew were dead set against it-it was considered child endangerment-and were all too ready to tattle on us if we tried it.We went to see a nurse, and she was pro-bottle feeding.She wanted to know what I would feed the baby if I wasn't able to breast feed. I told her we'd feed it goat's milk, and she flipped out and said that the baby would die if we did that!!! So we moved to MN,tried to have a home birth there, got tattled on and threatened with a sherrif if we didn't go to the hospital to have the baby.Ended up with a C section and a big nightmare where they would hardly let me feed the baby,etc! It was really a mess!
-- Rebekah (daniel1@transport.com), May 17, 2000.
I grew up in Southern California so I know exactly what you mean. Now I tried to get my parents to move to this area, but.. they like all the rules. Yes parts of CA is beautiful, I was up in the Tahoe area last year and talked to a few Apple Growers. After hearing everything that states puts on their growers they are killing their agriculture resorces. Someone posted about homebirths. I have lived in several states and this is the first time (maybe because I am part of the homeschool association) that it was common for homebirths. I for one would forgo such a thing but in the last year I have had several friends use Midwifes without any hassle from the government. Now the tornadoes do scare me here and there seem to be plenty!
-- Debbie Wolcott (bwolcott@cwis.net), May 22, 2000.
Little Bit: Welcome to OK. Glad you are here but lets try to keep this under our hat! If everone catches on to the freedom we have always enjoyed here, next thing you know every one will be trying to come here. As for not being able to home birth, don't tell Mom! Where in OK are you relocating to? We could be neighbors, with that stick & tin thing.
-- Okie-Dokie (www.tommycflinstone@aol.com), May 28, 2000.