i,ve been censored. why?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

well sysops,my response-post is gone in un-answered questions.WHY??

-- al-d (dogs@zianet.com), May 15, 2000


NOW IT,S UP.?? SORRY after all the nasty stuff,against my wife & i,on old forum' i guess i,m paranoid. i,m sorry i mis-judged.

-- al-d (dogs@zianet.com), May 15, 2000.


Here is a helpful hint.. sometimes after you insert a question/answer, hit the Refresh button, then you will see it.

Your welcome.

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), May 15, 2000.

The only perfect man was/is Jesus Christ. Those who follow Him aren't perfect, but we are forgiven.

God Bless you al-d

-- I believe in Him (Jesus is King@Kingdom.come), May 15, 2000.

I know how IMPERFECT i am.thank GOD ,for the blood of jesus,that CONTINUALLY cleanses.

-- al-d (dogs@zianet.com), May 15, 2000.

I'm perfect in every way.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again!), May 15, 2000.

.thank GOD ,for the blood of jesus,that CONTINUALLY cleanses.

The more I learn as a Christian, the more I marvel at the power of His blood. Thank you Jesus for taking my sin away with your blood.

-- I believe in Him (Jesus is King@Kingdom.come), May 15, 2000.


See what I mean, you cant even get a thank you out of the guy.? I was simply trying to help and last time I 'tried' to help him he got all crusty w/me also.

I am outtie.....

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), May 15, 2000.


-- al-d (dogs@zianet.com), May 15, 2000.

woops, i meant thank-consumer.hawks so perfect,he won,t need anything. but i need all the help i can get.thank you JESUS.

-- al-d (dogs@zianet.com), May 15, 2000.

You are welcome Al...


-- consumer (shh@aol.com), May 15, 2000.

What are you thanking me for al-d? You are perfect too, you just don't know it yet. We're ALL perfect! You are underestimating God if you think he would create something that wasn't perfect. So maybe you got whacked over the head with a Bible and you have trouble using your shift key... does that make you a "sinner"? Nope, you're missing the whole point that Jesus came to show us. Forget religion and cut yourself some slack dude, we are most awesome creations of God!

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), May 15, 2000.


-- al-d (dogs@zianet.com), May 15, 2000.


You,re on fire.

-- flora (***@__._), May 15, 2000.

He didn't redeem us, he was just trying to show us that we have divine power within us. The spin doctors that wrote the bible were no different than those of today, they lied. What is the easiest way to get control of the people and make them be your servants? Why, tell them they were born "sinners" of course, and tell them that they should spend the rest of their lives being subservient to TPTB, or they will "go to hell".

Here is one of the things Jesus really said...

"I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High."

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), May 15, 2000.

LOL. I caught that' Flora.

-- CD (costavike@hotmail.com), May 15, 2000.

I caught that too Flora :-)

Hawk, what was the name of the spiritual book you mentioned a month or so ago?

-- (I @m all .smiles), May 15, 2000.

Hey, don't make fun of al's typing! I think it's artistic, sorta like DiETeR was. :-)

The book I think you are looking for is...

Conversations with God

You don't need to read all of them, just the first one, you'll get the idea. It was on the NY Times bestseller list for over 2 years ... you'll love it. :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), May 16, 2000.

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