Help disprove or prove the bilderbregers and the nwo : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

I might have got the spelling wrong, so forgive me. I have been checking these thing out but I Can't get a hole of them. I know what I have is not the norm, but I can't ask what it is, I need others out there looking to see what I have seen ,And to report back. I use to think life was simple but it not. God don't I wish it was.

-- ET (, May 13, 2000


Maybe others know what you're talking about but I sure don't. Please sit down, take several deep breaths and start at the beginning.

-- (, May 14, 2000.

Apparently Saturday nights are tough on you for some reason, ET. When you sober up, try writing again.

-- Jim Cooke (, May 14, 2000.

They exist. They're overrated. They're addictive to those who get too wrapped up in them.

Kinda like cocaine.

-- Chicken Little (nomore@monkeydust.not), May 14, 2000.

Important NWO Link

-- Observer (lots@to.observe), May 14, 2000.

Another important NWO Link

-- Observer (lots@to.observe), May 14, 2000.

Real "important" link. Should go to SEND A CHECK FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS:

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES [for 12 monthly issues] ARE:

UNITED STATES US$168.00 [includes international postage] OVERSEAS US$189.00 [includes international postage] CANADA $195.00 Canadian plus $13.65 GST [Ontario subscribers add $15.60 PST]

-- The Shadow Knows (Shadow@knows.con), May 14, 2000.

More NWO stuff:




-- Searcher (searcher@for.the.truth), May 14, 2000.

Jim Cooke,

That was rude. I think an apology is in order.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), May 14, 2000.


If ET or Billy or whatever his name is was not drunk when he posted this then I apologize. However, if he wasn't drunk, he does appear to be quite mentally disturbed, which is worse, because he can at least wake up sober but he'll be crazy for a long time.

Anything else you want in the way of apologies?

-- Jim Cooke (, May 15, 2000.


Do you walk down the street and yell "cripple" or "retard" when you see a physically or mentally handicapped person?

All that I am saying is that ET might be doing the best that he can, while under no influence of alcohol.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), May 15, 2000.


I've seen other things posted by ET that were quite readable and others by him that appeared to be posted by a four year old. He apparently either has a disability that is able to turn itself on and off or he has some other problem with a substance that alters his ability to both think and type.

Read the original message he wrote. Does that sound to you like a person who has a disability that it makes it difficult for him to type or someone who's entire pattern of thinking is totally confused?

-- Jim Cooke (, May 15, 2000.


To which original post do you refer? The only reason that I got on your case is that I have NEVER seen ANYTHING completely clear from ET. I just assumed that he had some problem with relaying his thoughts via the keyboard. It has never crossed my mind to assume that he is a substance abuser.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), May 15, 2000.


This is from the post at the top of this thread:

"Subject: Help disprove or prove the bilderbregers and the nwo

I might have got the spelling wrong, so forgive me. I have been checking these thing out but I Can't get a hole of them. I know what I have is not the norm, but I can't ask what it is, I need others out there looking to see what I have seen ,And to report back. I use to think life was simple but it not. God don't I wish it was. "

This is from another ET post:

"Don't try to prove others faith without proving yours. I have not see any sign of your faith on this board not one time, so way is your mouth flapping. The testament to christ is love, never hate, love. You must know your master or your are a liar"

The latter post, while not a paragon of phrasing or spelling, is at least coherent. The former post is almost incomprehensible. My experience is that people who have these drastic changes in communication are usually under the influence of some substance. If one chooses to post while under the influence, he can expect a negative reaction.

-- Jim Cooke (, May 16, 2000.


We may just have to agree to disagree on this one, because to me, NEITHER of those posts is coherent enough to say that one is decidedly worse. Just my opinion.

I just wanted you to hear a different viewpoint about ET, because it is my gut feeling that he is trying as hard as he can. If indeed he is doing his best, you don't seem like the type who would make fun of him for it.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), May 16, 2000.


Indeed we may have to disagree but I noticed that ET hasn't come back to make any comment. I would expect him to tell me to go fly a kite if I'm wrong and I would deserve it. The fact that he hasn't tells me something.

-- Jim Cooke (, May 16, 2000.


A change in communication is not necessarily a sign that somebody is 'under the influence', I know this for a fact.

One of my best friends has MS. Sometimes her email to me is fine. Other times, it doesn't make any sense and the spelling is all wrong. It depends on her symptoms for the day. Sometimes she is good, and other times she struggles. Yet, she holds a full time job and I am very proud of her.

I have another friend who has a tumor on the pituitary and she experiences seizures. During these times, she struggles to communicate. She forgets how to spell simple words, yet she is working on her degree in Network Administration. When she gets tired, she slurs her words and makes spelling and grammar mistakes.

And, I have another friend who has Epilepsy. Same thing with her, some days she is good and other days she is not. It depends on how tired she is and a myriad of other factors. She uses the computer because she is housebound and it's an outlet for her.

It's called, thinking 'out of the box' Jim.

I hope this helps.

-- Maya (, May 16, 2000.


You make some very good points. I certainly have no way of knowing for sure why ET communicates the way he does and he may have an organic problem that contributes to his difficulties.

I think I may have a been a touch crabby over the last several days as I have quit smoking and my nicotine withdrawal has probably contributed to some posts that, in retrospect, it would have been better if I had just popped another stick of nicotine gum instead of typing.

Thanks for taking the time to write.

-- Jim Cooke (, May 16, 2000.


You quit smoking???? Now I understand completely!!!! LOL

Hang in there. I quit a long time ago and I was officially the bitch from hell for about a week. I came to the conclusion that I needed something in my hands to help break the habit, so I started carrying a water bottle and would drink water every time I had an urge to smoke. Plus, I started exercising a lot and before too long the habit faded away.

Good luck with it's hard, but worth it IMHO.


-- Maya (, May 16, 2000.


Scotch flavored toothpicks helped ease the pain for me. Every time I wanted to reach for a cigarette, I just grabbed a toothpick and chomped on it, instead.

-- Flash (flash@flash.hq), May 16, 2000.


Thanks for the encouragement. It's been just about a week now and so far so good. I tried the patches but they might as well have been saran wrap for all the good they did me. The nicotine gum is much better - it upsets my stomach, makes me dizzy, and helps me to remember why smoking is bad.


I like the booze flavored toothpick idea. Of course, with my addictive personality, I'd probably become a toothpick addict :^)

-- Jim Cooke (, May 16, 2000.

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