Sherry Stringfield on Discovery : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
I was watching this show called "Joined at Birth" and the narrator's voice sounded so much like Sherry's (Susan Lewis). I watched the credits and sure enough, it was her. I guess she found an easier way to make money. Just wanted to let everyone know!
-- Stephanie (, May 13, 2000
Sherry does have a great speaking voice. I have also heard Julianna's voice on a flea control product commercial lately, and George Clooney's voice on TLC, where he does a little promo and says something like - "The Learning Channel - television for your mind."
-- Melanie (, May 13, 2000.
Per ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY, Anthony Edwards is on Donny and Marie this Thursday (5-18-2000). I don't know if he's on to discuss ER (would make sense on the day of the season finale) or some other project. I was expecting to see other ER people listed in this week's Talk Shows section, but he's the only one I noticed.
-- Diana (, May 14, 2000.