How may gallons in a cubic foot of water? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
How many gallons in a cubic foot of water?
-- Deborah (, May 12, 2000
7.48051948 gallons of water in a cubic foot, according to my American Heritage Dictionary.
-- Rog (, May 12, 2000.
That looks right.More info. for fun:
Ice 57.2 lbs. per cubic foot Water 62.43 lbs. per cubic foot Sea water 63.99 lbs. per cubic foot
These are rough estimates if you want exact numbers temperature, gas, solute content and others must be considered.
I obviously have too much time on my hands. :O)
-- Lorin (, May 12, 2000.
About 7= US gallons (7.480519953970664 to be more exact) or
6< Imperial (UK) gallons (6.2288334683943924 is closer) or
28.31685 litres or 1915.0138367025638 US tablespoons or .....Take a look at (even bookmark) Unit converter - you'll need it sooner or later, and anyway it's FUN!
-- Don Armstrong (, May 12, 2000.
Good and another fun one is 8.34 pounds per gallon which is where the 62.4 pound per cubic foot come from. Have a fun holiday.Chris
-- Chris (, December 22, 2000.
One gallon of water is equal to 231 cubic inches. To figure out how many gallons of water a container holds, simply find the volume in cubic inches and divide by 231. for example: you have a box shaped container 12 by 12 by 18 inches, multiply together and divide by 231. Some other formulas- cylinder: (pi) times the radius squared times the height [just make pi equal to 3.14 which is accurate enough for this application] REMEMBER to keep everything in inches. I do this all the time for my father to figure the capacity of wells and tanks (he is a well driller)
-- Melissa (, December 22, 2000.