to all my critics,the SUPREME -COURT UPHELD OUR : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread the debt-collectors are furious,it was a LANDMARK-CASE. and to all'who insulted & belittled my wife,she say,s to tell you'thr new house & ranch are nice.[if GOD is for you,who?can be against you] read it & weep,shagnasty filthy mouth flamers.

-- al-d (, May 11, 2000


Goodness me, how quickly the love of Christ turns off when someone questions you. Why don't you tell us exactly what happened, assuming you can put together two or three intelligible sentences?

-- Jim Cooke (, May 11, 2000.

Dear JIM COOKE, I wasn,t responding to,s public notice,tyhat the supreme -court of texas'up-held our cry for justice.on the old- forum,my wife was maliceuosly disrespected.

-- al-d (, May 11, 2000.

Hey there ol Al, a LIL upset eh? pardon the smirk, but Jim nailed you right on there guy.

God said it rains on the just and the UNJUST...(oh, one who knows the WORD.? are you surprised?) You come to this forum and begin 'witnessing to ALL of us', no crime, free speech, but are you guilty of what accusations have been made.?

I NEVER FLAMED you nor your wife, just asked the question. Was all.

Like I've said a few times "IF you take TIME to re read the posts", but hey life goes on.

Now are you gonna ANSWER THE ???????

-- consumer (, May 11, 2000.

Oh and BTW... THEN POST ON THE OLD FORUM THEY hurt you/your wife, not us.

-- consumer (, May 11, 2000.

"Oh and BTW... THEN POST ON THE OLD FORUM THEY hurt you/your wife, not us.

-- consumer (, May 11, 2000."


Not trying/wishing to restrict his speech or limit his ability to post on this uncensored forum are you?

Go ahead big al-d you are doing a good job!!!This static is just birthing pains from the un-churched.

-- (###@####.###), May 11, 2000.

<<< or whoever you are,

I didn't post anything about his great victory at the supreme court - Al did. I assume Al is trying to show us that he's a true Christian, not a liar or a thief as has been alleged by another poster.

BTW, I did a search of the Texas Supreme Court decisions from 1997 to March of 2000. I can't find anything about a decision involving anyone named Driscoll, Household Finance, or Visa. Al, when exactly was this case tried and what was the case number?

-- Jim Cooke (, May 11, 2000.

Jimbo, you said,

Goodness me, how quickly the love of Christ turns off when someone questions you.

Just because people are fallible, that doesn't imply that *the love FROM Christ* turns off.

Cheery regards from a very fallible Someone,


-- Someone (, May 11, 2000.

Hey there annonmyass:

Birthing of the unchurched? For the last time, re read prior posts.

Come on out of your closet while your on the defensive/attack, I dont hide behind alias, no do I?

BTW, no disrespect Frank, all I want is an answer, to wit, none, he is probably the alias...

Go head, start a flame fest, who cares, but the question still stands.

Ahhh, never mind, this is going nowhere anyhow..

I did not mean to imply NO FREE SPEECH, I just told him to post and I should have said ALSO, (sorry i'm not perfect 'yet' either, but on my way) when I stated put it on the old board.

BTW, Al, did you?


-- consumer (, May 11, 2000.


Have been here since God created this forum [the original one]. Never have had any problems with al-D. I agree with Jim's original assessment. So it goes.

Best wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, May 11, 2000.


Your point is well taken. I should have said that the spirt of Christianity from a particular individual turns off rather quickly when questioned as evidenced by his "shagnasty filthy mouth flamers" crack.

Still, I'd be interested in the real story since he says it's public recotd.

-- Jim Cooke (, May 11, 2000.

Consumer, Jim Cooke,

I'd be interested in *the real story* too, but truth be told, I personally can be more judgemental than I'd like to be. Maybe as far as *I* am concerned, it'd be better if he just dropped it.


-- Someone (, May 11, 2000.

the good news came on dec.23/99.after 9 years of hell. if you care to know the story,get a 1996 copy of McCall,s magazine. ''title of story>>[pay-up-or-die]DEATH & BOMB THREATS,ain,t,s un-lawful according to the F.T.C. & yes 'we asked others to pray for that a crime?

-- al-d (, May 11, 2000.

A quick look at the old TB2000 archives found this:

On al-d, Sept 22, 1999

-- Al-d-mented (OldDogs@new.trx), May 12, 2000.

Man, what an interesting thread on the old TB 2000. Old Al irritates me to no end, not because of his views but because of his garbled, unreadable messages. OTOH, he should be allowed to post here the same as other people who irritate me to no end are allowed to post here. I mean, how long would Gold Loser have lasted on the old board? I hope the people I irritate would believe the same. That thread was a great example of wanting to ban people not because of what they said but because of how they said it.

-- Jim Cooke (, May 12, 2000.

Jim: and Al D:

I can admitt when I am wrong, however, I never told him NOT to post here, I suggested he post it where he felt he had been harmed.

I was NOT aware of where / what forum the damage was done.

Al, I'll read the link. But, FWIW, I think back to the top you said my wife says to tell yu the new house & ranch are nice....? Correct?

Boast not. If you were wronged and you won an award/settlement cool, that is great, however, I was addressing the accusations someone made about you earlier. I am open minded and honestly only desired an answer. I will read the link. Ok? Ok.

BTW, I FOR ONE had no problem w/your posting, (wouldnt matter if i did this is uncensored, if i dont like it, i move on) I have a problem w/accusations if true, then I will scroll past your posts, to me it is no big deal.

Thanks for the link.

-- consumer (, May 12, 2000.

Ok, now I'm confused...Read the thread, it was D at the Key time...when the manifesto delete/censorship began.... Did I say he should not post here? NO, I said 'post where you were attacked"

Al: apology, Obviously, you CANT post there....?

Dont feel bad, you arent the only one., many were banned from there, hence this forum.

Dont ASSUME I mean censorship, you KNOW i aint about that...

Al, watch it when you ask for prayer around can get ugly.

And challenged. Anyone care to disagree w/this?

Frank, I for one am not running to library to pick up a magazine, I still STAND that Al should answer the question, since he chooses not to do so, cool, i will overlook his posts from here on out.

As for this, I am outtie.

-- consumer (, May 12, 2000.

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