Yippee! I'm moving to Oklahoma!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Against unprecidented odds my husband has found a job in Paris Texas. Exactly where we wanted him to. I am now looking for land in the Antlers/Hugo area. If anyone knows of property available in that area I would be ever so grateful for the information. Please no Texas land though. I am moving to Oklahoma!Thanks in Advance. Now I think I'll go dance in the pasture. Anybody else here do that or sing the national anthem to the top of your lungs so that all the wild animals can hear. Yes I am a bit strange. You might really know it if you happened to be driving by during one of my concerts. I absolutely love living in the Country!Little Bit Farm
-- Little bit Farm (littlebit@calinet.com), May 10, 2000
That's great, Little Bit!! Keep us posted!
-- Kathleen Sanderson (stonycft@worldpath.net), May 10, 2000.
Good for you! Hope you can find a nice place. I'd go out and sing, but all the wild animals would come and beat me up. Gerbil
-- Gerbil (ima_gerbil@hotmail.com), May 10, 2000.
Congratulations, and keep on singing!
-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), May 10, 2000.
Congratulations Little Bit!! Am glad to hear of your Good News! I might sing out too (on 3 acres), but have neighbors. And gosh, doesn't sound travel through the woods! My long time desire was to run barefoot through the early morning on the Golf Course I passed each day to work. I wanted to do the leaps from childhood. I am too tired to leap now. You SING, GIRL, SING......
-- Harmony From (He@ven.com), May 10, 2000.
WELCOME :) hope to see you soon, and you are moving to a gorgeous area !!!!!gene in oklahoma city
-- gene ward (gward34847@aol.com), May 11, 2000.
Little Bit, I was born in Oklahoma a long time ago. We moved when I was only 3 months old and never got to go back except to just drive through. Let us know how you do. Did you ever hear a song about "in those Oklahoma hills where I was born"? or something like that. Keep us posted Eagle
-- eagle (eagle@alpha1.net), May 11, 2000.
Little Bit Farm, I would like to second Gene's welcome to Oklahoma. And eagle you are dating yourself with that"Way down yonder in the Indian Nation,a cowboy's life is my occupation" bit. The southeastern part of the state is beautiful. I live in the south- western part and like it here except for the occasional toronado that comes through. I quess when you live almost 60 years in one county, you either accept it or move. Of course I kind of like the open spaces that we have out here. Could be it's what you get used to. Wind sure blows out here as you can tell! Ha! Anyway, I wish you and the family all the best on your move. Terrell
-- Terrell (terrell@tanet.net), May 11, 2000.
Little Bit Farm, didn't mean toronado. It's tornado. Didn't proof read before posting. Sorry! Terrell
-- Terrell (terrell@tanet.net), May 11, 2000.
Little Bit Farm,I'm new to this forum, but been an Okie all my life! I'll give you another welcome! I live in NE Oklahoma in Green Country.
Speaking of singing.....whenever we travel out of state, it's family tradition that as we cross back into OK, everyone in the car sings "OKLAHOMA" at the top of their lungs!
Are you moving soon?
-- Mona (jascamp@ipa.net), May 11, 2000.
I should would like to know all the words to that song. All I know is "Oklahoma, where the wind come sweeping down the plains." Anybody know the rest. Actually I am a trained musician. I hope someday I have the chance to work, but for now My children need me more. I frequently sing at churches and other events. When I was in high school I trained with a former NYmet opera star who wanted to send me to all kinds of fancy places. I always just wanted to be a mom and wife. I knew I couldn't do both so I did what was most important to me. All I know is I couldn't stand to be couped up in the city even if it meant singing full time, so maybe music wasn't important enough. Besides, I'd rather sing country anyway. I've had people tell me it was the wrong decision, but I only have to look in the eyes of my children to know they are wrong. As it is I am the car stereo to a car full of wide eyed fans. I mean who would trade a chorus of Johnson Had an Old Grey Mule for Handels Messiah. Not me!Little Bit Farm
-- Little bit Farm (littlebit@calinet.com), May 12, 2000.
"Oklahoma" songs
-- Don Armstrong (darmst@yahoo.com.au), May 12, 2000.
Thank you, Thank you, thank you...Little bit Farm
-- Little bit Farm (littlebit@calinet.com), May 12, 2000.
Hi Littlebit, from one of your biggest fans! Good luck, Best of luck and kick em in the $%%^ for me--will ya ? Don't stay gone long cause--we will miss ya !
-- Joel Rosen (Joel681@webtv.net), May 13, 2000.
Terrel, Yeah, I didn't plan it and never meant for it to happen but somehow, I just got kind of old. One day it was just there. I still can't figure out how or when it happened. Eagle
-- eagle (eagle@alpha1.net), May 13, 2000.
Well Joel, you aren't getting rid of me quite yet. I should be here for four or five more weeks. Still gotta find a place to live down there. Been thinking about renting the goodyear blimp in order to find someone willing to sell me a piece of land and carry the paper. Seems like the only way to find these farmers. The computer right now isn't doing me much good. I sometimes think I have been to every real estate site on the internet. The only thing about leaving here that bothers me is we have to leave the solar system behind. It has been nice being off the grid. I don't know if I could bring myself to actually pay for power again.Little Bit Farm
-- Little bit Farm (littlebit@calinet.com), May 13, 2000.
Little Bit, how come you have to leave the solar system behind?
-- Kathleen Sanderson (stonycft@worldpath.net), May 13, 2000.
Little Bit, with your focus and determination you will undoubtedly find a great place to live! Congratulations, and best of luck to you in your relocation.
-- sheepish (rborgo@gte.net), May 13, 2000.
Alas, we must leave the solar system behind because we didn't pay for it. We rent this property. It has been a good two year rental for us. It gave us the opportunity to really test out being off grid. Joe and I learned what we do want in a system and what we don't want. We are very blessed that we got the chance actually experience an offgrid life style before we have to shell out the money to put one in ourselves. Pretty Cool!Little bit Farm
-- Little bit Farm (littlebit@calinet.com), May 13, 2000.
Good for you! Welcome to Okla. I myself was born here & have always lived here except for a couple years in the service. I have never had any desire to live any where else. So glad to have you amongst us.
-- Okie-Dokie (www.tommycflinstone@aol.com), May 14, 2000.
Does Oklahoma have state income tax? Was just curious since a guy who worked for my husband lived in another state and worked here. He had to pay state income tax on pay from Texas, where there is no state income tax. Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), May 15, 2000.
Congratulations, Little Bit Farm. That is so exciting that you are on your way to Oklahoma. I've never been there but since it is your dream, I'm excited for you. Sounds like you and hubby have certainly been learning about country living for the last two years, probably before that as well. That's great that you have been living off the grid. I don't think I could ever convince my hubby to go that far, although he has come a lot farther than I thought he would since he was a city boy. I truly hope that you are able to get back onto the Countryside forum once you get settled there. I, along with a lot of others I'm sure, will be waiting to hear of your adventures at your new place. A big Congrats to you.
-- Colleen (pyramidgreatdanes@erols.com), May 16, 2000.