Noah talks about season finale : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
On the NBC website's ER page there are 2 real video segments of Noah Wyle and Anthony Edwards talking about the season finale. But for some reason my Real Player won't play these clips. Can someone else try to download them and then let us know what they say?
-- debbie (, May 10, 2000
Noah said we were going to be in for some major suprsises for his character and others and that they would be going out with a bang and not a whimper this year. Anthony' s interview was all about Mark and his dad. There was also one where he talked about how much he has enjoyed the Mark/Elizabeth relationship and how it has been portrayed in a real way. BTW, I've noticed on the ER/nbc website when they talk about Luka that his name was going to originally by Janko Pavic (sp?). I wonder why the change?
-- amanda (, May 10, 2000.
Anthony Edwards, at the very tail end, also said that there would be "a wonderfully, uh, nice way of saying goodbye to the Hathaway charachter."The rest is pretty exact, though, the clips were very, very short.
-- M. Harmon (, May 10, 2000.
I would say the name changed from Janko to Luka because if Romano can find enough ammunition in plain Luka, Janko would be a field day :D. BTW, I wish he would shut up.
-- May (, May 10, 2000.
JANKO! Doesn't roll right off your tongue. And can you just hear Carol saying Janko the way she says Luka with that half-maybe- accent? Ugh.
-- Moni (, May 12, 2000.