Amnesty international critcizes U.S. : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

-- - (, May 09, 2000


Amnesty International Criticizes US

GENEVA (AP) -- Amnesty International criticized the United States on Tuesday for increasingly brutal police measures against crime suspects, saying the use of pepper spray and stunning devices as punishment constitute torture.

The London-based human rights group presented a report to the U.N. Committee Against Torture, which meets Wednesday to consider the U.S. record for the first time since Washington ratified a convention outlawing torture in 1994.

Since then, the ''increasingly punitive approach toward offenders (in the United States) has continued to lead to practices which facilitate torture or other forms of ill-treatment,'' Amnesty said. U.S. officials in Geneva for the session had no immediate comment.

In the 45-page report, the London-based human rights group cited long-term isolation for prisoners and incarceration of asylum seekers in ''cruel and degrading conditions.'' It said the rising prison population contributed to widespread ill-treatment of inmates and that police brutality is particularly directed at racial and ethnic minorities.

Amnesty pointed to the use of pepper spray, tear gas and electric-shock devices and noted in particular the use of pepper spray against demonstrators protesting at meetings of the World Trade Organization and other events in recent months.

It said there are reports of police officers dousing suspects with spray as a form of ''street justice'' after they had already been restrained. At the WTO protests in Seattle in November and December, protesters accused police of swabbing pepper gel or foam into their eyes while they were in custody, the report said.

Amnesty also cited the use of stun belts, which are placed around a prisoner's waist and can apply shocks. It said 100 U.S. jurisdictions have acquired stun belts, citing one example where a prisoner was given an electric shock in open court by order of the judge.

''As with other international human rights treaties, the United States' respect for the Convention against Torture is only halfhearted when applied to itself,'' it said.

In its report to the committee made public last year, the United States said cases of torture are rare but conceded that ''abuses occur despite the best precautions and the strictest prohibitions.''

It assured the panel that torture is a criminal offense in the United States and that perpetrators are prosecuted and victims entitled to compensation. The federal government also may take civil action against police misconduct under a 1994 law.

''Every unit of government at every level within the United States is committed, by law as well as by policy, to the protection of the individual's life, liberty and physical integrity,'' the report said.

AP-NY-05-09-00 1123EDT< 

-- - (, May 09, 2000.

''As with other international human rights treaties, the United States' respect for the Convention against Torture is only halfhearted when applied to itself,'' it said.

Good to see a western country speeking up against the US in this manner. Shows that the "meme" is going through a healthy challenge.

In its report to the committee made public last year, the United States said cases of torture are rare but conceded that ''abuses occur despite the best precautions and the strictest prohibitions.''

So how will the US explain this year the use of tear gas on peaceful demonstrators in Seatle? Seems the police there thumbed their noses at the "strictest prohibitions".

It assured the panel that torture is a criminal offense in the United States and that perpetrators are prosecuted and victims entitled to compensation. The federal government also may take civil action against police misconduct under a 1994 law.

Oh I see. So then we could look forward to police in Seatle being tried in criminal court, and the demonstrators tortured with pepper sprays and mishandled to be compensated. Can't wait to see this.

'Every unit of government at every level within the United States is committed, by law as well as by policy, to the protection of the individual's life, liberty and physical integrity,'' the report said.

Committed on paper, that is. So let the trials begin.

-- (y@x.x), May 10, 2000.

Oh please...The British jail people for defending themselves against burglers in their homes! They act like things can always be worked out with reason. I don't think so. These people are the unwitting champions of hoodlums...unless they happen to show up at their soccer matches!

-- Gia (, May 10, 2000.


If you're referring to the Martin case, it was found that he shot an intruder in the back as he was trying to get away. The jury then decided, presumably, that this didn't count as self- defence, so pronounced Martin guilty of murder. Getting life was pretty harsh, I must admit, but by most accounts he was a little too quick with the gun.

-- Richard Dymond (, May 10, 2000.


"These people" ????

So defensive an attitude is suspicious indeed.You aren't a law enforcement officer by any chance ? LOL

-- Laughing (, May 10, 2000.

Laughing- Actually my husband is British, and a wonderful man indeed. I lived in U.K. for many years and have seen travesties of justice occur left and right. Drunken drivers killing kids and getting a few months jail. NHS screwing up and offering a simpleton apology and little more. Businesses allowed to become predatory in their pricing structures. Still have to pay outrageous TV liscence fees even if you have satellite. Still have to kitty up for NHS if you have private insurance. Jeez, you live there don't you? You don't see it?

-- Gia (, May 11, 2000.

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