Alex Kingston and the cast : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
Have you notice that Alex Kingston doesn't appear on NBCer cast picture?
-- Elianto (, May 09, 2000
This has been mentioned in another thread but I'll repeat it here coz it's relevant, Alex Kingston has signed a 5 year contract with Warner Brothers (according to my TV guide) so it is unlikely that she has left the show and the fact that she isn't in the picture remains a mystery!
-- Vicki Baker (, May 09, 2000.
I'd say they could superimpose her head on Carol's body after she leaves, but Carol wears pink and Elizabeth wears white so that won't work. They did this a few years ago when they put Kerry's face over Susan's. Guess they'll have to eventually spring for new pictures, huh?
-- Diana (, May 09, 2000.
She appears to be in the picture, between Benton and Mark (and no snide comments about that placement!)
-- Phyl (, May 09, 2000.
Phyl, I have stared and stared at the cast picture. Isn't that Chen and not Elizabeth between Benton and Mark? Am I going blind?
-- Marty (, May 09, 2000.
Marty, that is exactly what I said in another thread about this picture.
-- Manon (, May 09, 2000.
You are right, I'm wrong. Thanks :)
-- Phyl (, May 10, 2000.