Memphis and Charleston Rail Road Company Stock : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

I have my Great Aunt's stock certificate for the Memphis and Charleston Rail Road Company and I was wondering if it has any value? It is dated May 2, 1889. for 10 shares valued at $25 each.

It is a great memorabilia peice even if it isn't worth anything.

Please let me know. Thanks. Tricia Smiley :)

-- Tricia Smiley (, May 09, 2000


Tricia - It is suggested that you go to the e-bay auction Web site to get the information you want. On the Collectables home page, scroll down to Railroadiana. Click on the sub-head "Paper". On the next screen, type "stock" in the search window and Click on Search. I have just performed this action and currently e-bay has 112 stock certificate offerings on auction. Look for an auction that is going to close today or tomorrow and is offering a stock certificate dated near 1889, and you will get some idea of what your share may be worth. But remember, in collectable selling, two criteria apply, is there someone who wants it, and are they willing to pay your price. Hope the preceding is of some help.

-- Tom Underwood (, May 09, 2000.

Since the Memphis & Charleston was in receivership when it was acquired by the Southern Railway System in 1898, the stock should have no value as a security. However the certificate should be an desirable as a collectible

-- Jack Wyatt (, May 09, 2000.

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