Who else is dying for this week's episode? (May 07 2000)greenspun.com : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
Man the torture of this Carol thing is killing me. (Hope it kills her.) Anybody else have comments or news about spoilers? Although from what I hear there aren't many spoilers, this epi is real hush-hush. Darn it, Thursday, roll around!!! By the way, wasn't this week's epi's title going to be "Such Sweet Sorrow" or something like that? Give any hints on Carol's departure? Comments please, thanx!
-- Lauren (whateverchick@aol.com), May 07, 2000
I can't wait till Thursday either! I think she might get in a scuffle with Kerry Weaver and get fired. I mean, I'm not sure, but I know she won't die. They have already killed someone (Lucy) this year. (And Mark's dad) I hope she leaves happy though.
-- Stephanie (ERGirl22@aol.com), May 07, 2000.
I have to agree Stephanie. I hope she leaves happy, but knowing how depressed and stuff she's been lately, I wouldn't be surprised if she left with sorrowful music playing in the backround (j/k). But you're right, Lauren, it would be nice if Carol would go out with a bang and get killed or commit suicide or something, but it's probably not going to happen, like Stephanie says, there has already been a main character and a semi-main character died this season. Sorry.
-- Gina G. (thatsagirl@aol.com), May 07, 2000.
JM wanted to leave happily, and I doubt they would leave her in such a morbid fashion. Plus they show her walking away in the preview, so unless she gets hit by a bus, she is not going to be killed. I have no doubt in my mind. (I hope I'm not jinxing it!)All I can say is she'd better leave due to a personal choice. If she leaves because she defied policy, got and trouble w/ Kerry, and her job is in jeopardy, that would be WAY too much like Doug's departure, and I was not happy at all about that. I not only wanted Doug to come back for Carol, but also to give HIMSELF a more graceful exit.
-- Elaine (mrsclooney78@hotmail.com), May 07, 2000.
Where did you read that, Crystal? I have a hard time believing it to be true. Can you give us a source or URL? Thanks.
-- Phyl (erfan@flash.net), May 08, 2000.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: there is absolutely nothing (anymore) between Doug and Carol. He's had so many opportunities to come back, I've given up believing it will happen. If it does I will be surprised, but I can't say I think it's going to happen. Doug's not coming back people; that exit was his final exit, however undignified it was that's the way it's gonna be. Sorry, get over it.
-- Gina G. (thatsagirl@aol.com), May 08, 2000.
Grr. TPTB are getting a bit too murderous. Lucy gets stabbed and dies. Carter gets stabbed but lives. David Greene dies from uh...lung cancer? Now they're killing Carol? Oy vei.
-- Moni (Moni4987@teen.com), May 08, 2000.
well, maybe she does get in trouble, and her job IS in jeopardy, and that is the only way she will see how doug HAD to make the decision he did!! she wil be right in his shoes, and then she will understand exactly why he felt he HAD to leave. then, she can go to him!! that's just a crazy idea i just had. i'm tired, good night all!! LOL
-- Alexis Springer (lexicat1@webtv.net), May 08, 2000.
Carol's not croaking and I think Alexis is the closest to the truth. Carol is going to leave to go to Seattle. That's my guess.
-- Phyl (erfan@flash.net), May 08, 2000.
I really think that this young mother cancer patient that Carol has is really going to stop and make her think that life is too short and that she needs to do what her heart is telling her which is to go to Doug. It may be titled "Such Sweet Sorrow" because, as she told Kerry, she really loves her job and I am sure she will miss it terribly. Also, as was mentioned on a previous post - she was born and raised in Chicago so it has been her only home. It will be very difficult for her to leave all of that but she will to be with the man she loves and the father of her daughters. I think she will feel relief to finally make this decision, but terrible pain at leaving everything other thing that she loves.
-- amanda (amanda.rehm@home.com), May 08, 2000.
I think Carol commiting suicide would be very overdramatic. In pilot, she tried to do that, and repeating that is basically using the same idea from the first episode. The most realistic thing will be that she goes to Seattle to join Doug. I live in the UK, so I won't see this episode for about 3 more weeks yet, but Match Made In Heaven was aired here on thursday and carol said "The girls need a father". To conclude, I think the girls will get a father, so carol will leave.
-- Frances Taylor (privyet001@aol.com), May 08, 2000.
Wait, aren't we overlooking one little detail? What if Doug doesn't want Carol back? I mean, why would she go back to him? Yes, Carol realizes her girls need a father, but I don't think Doug's going to fill the bit.
-- Gina G. (thatsagirl@aol.com), May 08, 2000.
if he didnt want her back, why would he send those animal crackers?
-- ALexis Springer (lexicat1@webtv.net), May 08, 2000.
Because it was her birthday, that's all. I didn't notice a note with the crackers saying "Please come back, I'm ready to commit now." I'll be very disappointed if she runs off to him. I'm thinking less and less that suicide is likely anymore, but still, going back to Doug just for the babies' sake would be selling herself and her own life short.
-- Cecelia (evilstoat@hotmail.com), May 08, 2000.
In "Match Made In Heaven," Carol told Mark that Doug asked her to move to Seattle "again." It sounds as if he's serious and getting more persistant.
-- Arianne (CarolRossSusanGreene@yahoo.com), May 08, 2000.
I could believe she's going to die - but not by her own hand. Remember in M*A*S*H* when Col. Blake finally got discharged and he was so happy to be going home then at the end they said his plane crashed and there were no survivors. I could see something like that for Carol - she could leave completely happy and then die on her way to her "destiny". Maybe that stupid car Luka helped her buy stalls on the freeway or something and she gets creamed - whatever, but have it so that she's killed instantly, no suffering.
-- Linda (l.brown@mindspring.com), May 08, 2000.
I never thought of that! Of course, the crappy car drives off into the sunset and blows up just as she reaches the horizon. *sigh* But, even though I personally wouldn't mind another death scene, the previews HAVE said that this is "an ER to cherish," and they probably wouldn't say that if she was going to die. JMHO.
-- Cecelia (evilstoat@hotmail.com), May 08, 2000.