We bought land in the right areagreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
It seems like I have barely enough time to read all the interesting posts here, yet never have much time to write anything. This one time I feel the need to write and let you all know how great you all are!My DH and I had purchased a 97 acre piece of heaven, out of state, in TN. Upon reading one of the posts here on Countryside one day last month, I noticed one of the writers e-mail address came from the town near our property. I e-mailed her and let her know that we would be moving into the area in the next year or so and that we would be down that way for a visit over Easter vacation. She wrote back with some great details of the area and asked what road we bought on. I gave her the road name and town.
The day after we set up camp on our property, up pulls the nicest person you could ever meet. She tracked us down with just the little bit of information I gave her (the road is about 10 miles long). She said she stopped at one of the houses on the road and asked if there were any new people moving in. Country folks never miss a thing! Everyone noticed our out of state plates.
She brought us a welcome gift of homemade bread and homemade jelly! What a treat!
Countryside readers are the best! I just wish I could meet all of you.
-- Peggy Adkins (adkinsonthefarm@hotmail.com), May 07, 2000
Hi and congratulations,We bought land in south central Kentucky and have had similiar experiences.
You took the first step by sending that nice person a letter. I think what you experienced was your reflection.
Reminds me of the story about the real estate salesman that was asked by a prospective out of state buyer what the people were like in the area. He asked them "How are they where you live now"? They replied that most of the people in their area were real jerks. The salesman said, "Yeah, they are mostly jerks here too."
Again, congratulations on your new land.
Regards, Doug & Jo
-- Doug Shutes (toadshutes@yahoo.com), May 07, 2000.
Doug, did you know that story must be at least three thousand years old?!? LOL! But you didn't finish it. The next guy comes up and asks the same question, gets the same question back, answers "Oh, they're great people where I come from, the best!" Fellow says, "Well, they're just the same here!" I guess you all can see the point!
-- Kathleen Sanderson (stonycft@worldpath.net), May 07, 2000.
Peggy,Congratulations and it's great you are so happy. We have had similar experiences when we moved to our homestead last summer. The previous owners had warned us about the folks who lived up here on this mountain but we found just the nicest people you can imagine. Some are like minded and some are real different but everyone has been nice. Just this morning my husband and I were saying how blessed we were with good neighbors. It sure can make a difference!!
-- kim (fleece@eritter.net), May 07, 2000.
Wish you were my neighbors! Been here a year this week, and the north neigh (via mailbox note) wants to know what I'll do about the (dead) elm tree,the south neigh doesn't like the run off. the west neigh, thinks I should rebuild the 200 yr. old dry stone wall-cause it's old! Haven't heard from the east-thank goodness! Welcome to yuppieville. K
-- Kathy (catfish@bestweb.net), May 11, 2000.