Is kerry definitely leaving? : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
Does anyone know for sure if Laura Innes is leaving at the end of series 7 when her contract runs out or will she sign a new contract for series 8 or 9. What do people think? Will she leave when her contract runs out or will she stay? Does anyone know for sure? She's such a great actress and I would hate it if Kerry left the ER. It wouldn't be the same without her!
-- Frances Taylor (, May 05, 2000
On an old post it was said that Laura Innes really enjoyed being a part of ER. I don't see her leaving anytime soon.
-- S. Trelles (, May 05, 2000.
I hope Laura Innes doesn't leave...she's a definite asset to the show. Just my $0.02
-- Jen (, May 05, 2000.
I had also heard that she's considering leaving. Not because she doesn't like being on the show, but because she's becoming very popular as a serial director. She directed a very good episode of "West Wing", and she's also done at least one "Third Watch". I'm sure she's done more.I too, hope she doesn't leave, but ER's survived the loss of Susan, Doug, Jeannie, and Jerry. It will probably survive Carol's loss too. (Mark & Carter, though would be hard to recover from)
-- AmyE (, May 05, 2000.
I hope not, she's great!
-- Felicity (, May 05, 2000.
I sure hope she stays, she's a great character and I like her complexity -- a great combination of a businessperson with an eye to the bottom line, the ability to be ruthlessly ambitious, and a caring, warm doctor with a lot of empathy for her patients, colleagues and friends.
-- Cindy (, May 07, 2000.
OUCH! Laura Innes leaving ER? Gee, kill an incredible element, why don't you, TPTB? She's a fantastic actress and Kerry is a great character!
-- Moni (, May 08, 2000.
I really hope Laura Innes does not leave ER. I know she has been doing alot of directing, but so far they have worked around that quite well. She is one of those characters that we don't HAVE to see every week. She can miss and epi and not be totally missed, so I hope they will continue to work around that!
-- amanda (, May 08, 2000.