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I am just in the inquiry state of asking about buffalo. I have always dreamed of owning buffalo for meat, hide, looking at their beauty, wondering what it was like to just see them thundering across the plains. I would just like to know if there is anyone who would have any insight on raising buffalo, their care, the amount of acreage needed,etc. I don't plan on getting any buffalo until my children are at the age when they know that when something is dangerous, they stay away, not slip through the fence!!! That would be a couple of years. Anyway, I'm submitting my first question on the subject now!! Any basic input is greatly appreciated!! Thanks!! cara lewis
-- cara lewis (, May 03, 2000
Cara, thundering across the plains is just exactly what they do. You need to seriously consider your fencing situation. Things like your working chutes will have to be heavier. They also (rightfully) attract a great deal of attention. So you need to talk to whoever provides your farm insurance. Some moron climbs into the pasture or lifts its kids over the fence, there will most likely be trouble, for which you are liable.The good news is that you don't need very many to start with. Buffalo can inbreed without problem. Since they can carry brucelloisis, and have other health problems, I'd sound out your vet before bringing any home. My vet loves a challenge, many don't.
Be an interesting project for you, glad you've got the sense to begin investigating before getting into this! Gerbil
-- Gerbil (, May 03, 2000.
Wild buffalo may go thundering across the plains but the domesticated ones peackefully eat hay inside their fence. We have some just down the road from us. Their babies are just now being born. They seem to be fed loose hay of some kind, happily go to their watering trough. Just looks like cattle in the field or as the same as the feeder calves across the road from them. Buffalo meat is used here: buffalo burgers at the restaurant, buffalo hambuger and buffalo sausage, etc. You can call the Delta Junction, Alaska chamber of Commerce at 907-895-5068 and they can give you more information.. Be sure to state that you are calling about the domesticated buffalo as we also have a herd of wandering wild bison in this area. Good luck. Norma Lucas
-- Norma Lucas (, May 04, 2000.
I have looked into this and also know some breeders .Yes your fencing has to be good .There have easy birthing and strong calves .They can do better on poor feed than cattle .There a very little health problems .Big downfall the cost a fortune!
-- Patty Gamble (, May 04, 2000.
Someone once told me that There is a federal program to help propogate bison -- that the govt would give you a small number of bison if you would keep them. Now whether this is just a wacky story or not, I don't know (but here I am spreading the rumour...) If there is such a program, it may be that you aren't allowed to raise them for butchering, as that would seem to defeat the purpose, wouldn't it? Perhaps you should contact the Dept of fish & wildlife.
-- snoozy (, May 04, 2000.
I know a man that raises and trains buffalo. I have been around them and have even had to help feed them at one time. Trust me, even though they seem so lazy and peaceful standing behind a fence, these are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS animals. You haven't known terror until a baby (2 tons) comes thundering at YOU because he knows that you're bringing him his daily oats! One of his tamed and trained buffalo killed his father as he was feeding and the father had owned them for years. Also, you absolutely cannot stop people from thinking they are a petting zoo attraction. Please be VERY aware of all of this when you make your decision. Best of luck.
-- Jill Faerber (, May 04, 2000.
Perhaps Beefalo (cattle/bison cross) would be an interesting compromise. For more info:
-- Montana Bob (, May 05, 2000.
I met an individual who resides near Adin, California (20 miles West of here, Alturas, CA). He raises Buffalo for fun and profit. He told me the best thing about these critters is the fence. Some people can get by with a loose fence for cattle but with Buffalos a MUCH stronger fence is needed. If a buffalo gets out you will have fun getting it back in, make sure your hospital insurance is paid up FIRST. Bill Scott
-- Bill Scott (, January 22, 2002.