A bunch of bouncing Busby Babes..they deserve to be Knighted :-)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Hey boys...and the odd (feck..I really mean "odd") girl....just a quickie to let ya know I'm off to United :-) on Saturday to see the boys pick up a big silver mug :-)

I'll let ya'll know what it feels like :-)

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000


Yeah let us know will ya....

We're all dying to hear.....

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

Just watch it on the telly...and imagine....you know, just like you do when you fancy a shag :-)

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

Watching TV is about as close as I've got to anything lately...

Still I'd rather be me than you!

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

Knighted? Crowned more like, where's my baseball bat? :-)

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

Jeez, I wish I could think of a real smart @rse comment to sting you with Lancy. (Where've ya been anyway?)
Instead I'll just 'smile' and say congratulations on another successful season. Obviously they got over their trashing at SJP fairly quickly.
Enjoy the PLC presentation - it should be a grand occasion - and you never know it may just be your last for some time.

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

Enjoy it LR... it may be your last 'till..... next season!

The trend is downwards tho'....

3 mugs, 1 mug, ???

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

That'll be an interesting day out , what does Ot do when one of these things arrives ... clap and that ? I think its an outstanding achievment , well done pass those red devils my best wont you . Im sure you wouldve won the double too if youd been in the FA Cup , so dont feel too despondent about the 1 mug thing . I'll be watching that telly avidly dont worry . ; - )))

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

Hey Lanky, long time no winge, where you been.

Pleased to hear you are going to OT on Saturday, first visit this season is it. Is that why you are getting all excited this early in the week.

Just to keep you in the picture, I'm gonna do a little bit more work for an hour or so, and then settle down to watch the match tonight. It's the Champions League Semi Final first leg you know, now who is it that is playing......ah yes, Real Madrid and Bayern Munich.

Funny that, the other semi final first leg was played last night and it was Valencia and Barcelona.....surely there is some mistake.....no Newton Heath in the semi final of their very own world dominated competition.......ah no, it all comes flooding back now.....they got f**king beat in the last round didn't they.......

Thank you and goodnight!

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

Well done to ITK for having a go.......even knowing that I've done oodles of games this term and we are soooooo far ahead it's not true he still stood there defiant..slaggin' me off :-)...brilliant. Keep it up mate.



-- Anonymous, May 04, 2000

Thumbs up to Sting , Clarky (smiling twot) and Geordie. Seeing as Softie wants to baseballbatme I'll speak to him later :-)


-- Anonymous, May 04, 2000

Glory glory lr's re-united, if he's back, I'm back with a VENGEANCE ;-)


-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

Where the hell have you been, you Pratt?
Surely, you haven't been lurking all this time waiting for Lancy to irritate you into action?

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2000

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