Black & White Polaroid : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
I am a student who has taken many photography classes and for the past two years done independent studies of photography, including polaroid tranfers. I am now interested in doing some black and white transfers but the process seems rather complicated; do you have any experience with it? If so could you give me some pointers?Thank you, Katie Baker
-- Katie Baker (, May 01, 2000
Perhaps the best way would be to use Agfa Scala B&W slide film, then print it onto color Polaroid film in a Day Lab. I haven't tried this but would be interested to know if anyone else has.Mike
-- Mike Heath (, July 06, 2000.
I have been using Agfa Scala with wonderful results. The other choice is take a picture of your b/w prints on slide and use them in the Daylab or in your darkroom. Another option? Print the b/n negatives; look for images that looks like fine in negative, churches, graphic elements, trees. Good luck!
-- jose maldonado (, August 02, 2000.
I have been using Pola Pan, Polaroid's black & white instant slide film, with very good results. The only drawback is that you need a Polaroid Auto Processor to develop the slides. Once you have the Pola Pan slides processed, you work the same way you do with your color transparencies.
-- Doug Richardson (, May 25, 2001.